Shubunkin, Injured Or Sick?


New Member
Dec 3, 2009
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Nova Scotia, Canada
I have a shubunkin in a 35 gallon tank with a very large fantail. Today I have noticed on the top of my shubunkin is a large bump. When looking at it closely, it looks to me what I would describe as a blood blister. Do fish get blood blisters? How do I treat this? The fish will soon be going into the pond, but I want to help it first.
I have a shubunkin in a 35 gallon tank with a very large fantail. Today I have noticed on the top of my shubunkin is a large bump. When looking at it closely, it looks to me what I would describe as a blood blister. Do fish get blood blisters? How do I treat this? The fish will soon be going into the pond, but I want to help it first.

I haven't seen or heard of a fish that has had a blood blister before so I'm not sure what treatment would be most appropriate. Assuming it isn't a tumour, I personally would apply an anti-bacterial remedy (just incase the blister is infected) and switch to fish food/pellets containing stimune which help to combat possible infection contracted through body ulcers/sores/blisters. A product high in stimune can be bought here.

Ensure that you keep ammonia and nitrite levels at 0, nitrate no more than 30 ppm (while the fish is stressed) and aim for a water PH level of 7.5 - 8.2 to avoid skin irritation which won't help healing.

Remember to take out carbon remover filter media when using any medicines in the water.

I hope the fish gets better.

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My fish doesn't appear to be getting any better. How long does it usually take.? I have pictures but can't really figure out how to upload them properly. The fish is eating medicated food and an external medicine as well (not sure of the name right now, but it turns the water yellow) The spot doesn't appear to be getting any bigger, but it's not getting smaller either.
your tank seems to be cluttered up with a lot of ornaments...maybe its getting stuck somewhere or is there a heater it could be getting into trouble with?

also the tanks not big enough for both those fish... so check the quality of the water..especially ammonia and nitrite levels.

as for the blister, i dont think its a disease maybe just an injury.
There's no heater, it's a cold water tank. They are only in the tank temporarily until the pond gets cleaned out. So, if it is just an injury, what do I do? Will it just heal on it's own?
Please, help! My fish is swimming around just fine, the bump doesn't seem to bother it. But my father thinks it will end up dying and wants to take it out of the tank and put iodine on it! I don't want him to do it, but I can't stop him when I'm working, so I need a solution!
Ok, so it doesn't seem like anyone has any idea what wrong with my fish but here's an update.

The bump on it's head had grown quite large. At one point it was completely open in about 3 places. You could see inside. To me it looked like white bumps inside but my mother swears she's seen at least 2 worms sticking out. (at which point I had tried an external parasite medication). Eventually the holes grew shut. Now it appears that the lump is growing more toward the other side. She is losing some color from her head. It almost looks like it may open up again in the same spots that it had before. We've tried medicated food. Nothing seems to work. She has been laying on the bottom of the tank for the past 2 days and only comes up to eat. My father decided to put iodine on the lump. No change. If anyone has any ideas, please let me know. I am running out of options, and time, I believe.
Otherwise I'd say take it to a vet.

I don't think there is anyone in my area who does that.

Engorged 'blister' with possible parasites? Sounds like a parasite infection. They seem to be internal but from what I understand, most internal parasite meds are aimed at things like a fishy equivalent of tapeworm (i.e. stuff in the gut) and not stuff that gets under the skin.

I'd treat with an anti-external parasite med and also with melafix to prevent any infection. Do not mix with other bacterial meds (i.e. non herbal ones) as the combination of meds won't do the fish any good. Melafix should be fine because it's a bit like the fishy equivalent of Savlon. Be sure to do a 90% water change and run carbon in the filter for a few days before changing the meds.

test your ammonia and nitrite to be sure the water is clean. Unclean water will not allow your fish to heal properly.
Every year my mother brings in baby fish from the pond for the winter. After I told her it wasn't a good idea, she did it anyway. Some of these babies started eating the bump off the shubunkin. Those fish were removed from the tank. Most of the bump had been eaten off, the inside looked like dead tissue and nothing else. Still cannot figure out what was wrong. Obviously was not contagious, whatever it was. The past few days it had been hanging near the top of the tank and sometime through the night it had died. :( Anyone with any more suggestions would be appreciated. (Incase I ever come across this again, or maybe it was preventable?)

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