Show You Around The Ornamental Fish Market Of My Hometown (ans

That's a lot of fish for those tiny little bags..... :(
Different cultures have different standards of what is acceptable treatment of animals/livestock and what isn't.

I'll say no more other than I'm proud to be British.
+1 made the fish dept at my local garden centre look like paradise - which it isnt! nothing personal to the poster of these pics but it all made me a bit sad
A market such as this is a distribution point for their product, which happens to be fish. Just as your LFS is a step beyond your tank in regards to stocking, a commercial distributor is a step beyond your LFS. This is where shops go to buy fish for resale, the shop doesn't want any product loss, the distributor doesn't want any product loss. Fish are set up in the way you see here for distribution & sale purposes, and are not kept that way.

It's not a whole lot different from people cramming themselves into an elevator, bus, or any other transportation device short term; close quarters, perhaps a bit of stress, but only short term. The people selling those fish don't want to see any loss of product, it's how they put a roof over their head & food on their table. If one of our setups crashes it's a disappointing loss of fish, a bit of a financial setback. If their system crashes it's a major loss of income.
i agree with tolak,just got to remember how we farm our chickens for meat and their eggs,and i'm sure everyone at one oint in their life has bought a battery farm produced product.production to meet demand
A market such as this is a distribution point for their product, which happens to be fish. Just as your LFS is a step beyond your tank in regards to stocking, a commercial distributor is a step beyond your LFS. This is where shops go to buy fish for resale, the shop doesn't want any product loss, the distributor doesn't want any product loss. Fish are set up in the way you see here for distribution & sale purposes, and are not kept that way.

It's not a whole lot different from people cramming themselves into an elevator, bus, or any other transportation device short term; close quarters, perhaps a bit of stress, but only short term. The people selling those fish don't want to see any loss of product, it's how they put a roof over their head & food on their table. If one of our setups crashes it's a disappointing loss of fish, a bit of a financial setback. If their system crashes it's a major loss of income.

my english is poor ,you have said my thoughts

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