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Mar 6, 2008
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hi guys can you show me whats under your tanks in your cabinets what is running your tanks ie external filers/co2 sumps/hydors thanks mel :rolleyes:
Here's what it looks like inside my cabinet, right after assembly. I've since added a fan above the sump, connected to a temperature controller...along with two heaters.

Well, you asked for Photos of the gear under our tanks, so....

Behind Door number one;


Behind Door number two;


There will be a Hydor Exturnal in-line heater being added to one of those filter outputs tomorrow hopefuly (if it arrives) so as yet the gear isn't quite complete. This system is running without heating ATM, as three heaters have failed on me, both the origionals and the spare. Moral of the story, either Superfish had a bad batch, or they are poor quality. My bet is on the latter :rolleyes:

I'll also show my plumming, since it's that type of thread...


This allown me to run both of those exturnals from one set of inlte and outlet pipes. There is one of these connections at each end :good:

All The Best
rabbut...........your modem/router is behind your filter lol.... does it get better reception from there??
im not showing mine,as its a bloody disgrace, but i know where everything is :lol:
rabbut...........your modem/router is behind your filter lol.... does it get better reception from there??

Yes, actualy, it does get better reception, as it isn't sitting under 335l of water there :shifty: It is supposed to be gaffered to the top of the cabinet though, away from the water at filter cleaning time.....Should probibly put it back :nod:

im not showing mine,as its a bloody disgrace, but i know where everything is :lol:

Shurely can't be worse than mine :hyper: :rolleyes:

All the best

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