Rescapped my tank.

Thanks! And yeah, just high lightHoly vegetation!!! Looks cool. CO2, ferts, and high lighting?
Rescapped my tank.
Just over a month since I added the plants and fish
Looks good but I'd put the taller grasslike plants more toward the back and a bit more spread out. I'd also put that plant in the middle more towards the front, maybe 4-6 inches away from one of the corners.redid my centerpiece in my 55g. not showing the whole tank cause the rest still needs work. any suggestions on plant arrangment changes?
Outstanding! I notice you're a Pearl Gourami fan so the tank gets extra points just for thatEven with no fish it would be near the top of my favorite layouts...............BRAVO!
What's your male to female ratio? What size is your largest Pearl? My female is around 4 inches and the male is about 3.5 inches or so.