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Random reply but i wanted to know if a pair German Blue Rams can go in a 20 gallon tank
They can fit in a 20 gallon, but of your stocking list in your signature (1x Sunburst Wag Platy, 1x Hi Fin Platy, 1x Double Bar Platy, 1x Marigold Variatus Platy, 17x Neon Tetras, 2x Glass Catfish, 3x Oto Catfish, 1x Black Kuhli Loach, 2x Ghost Shrimp) All the platy's would need to go, it also may become uncomfortable for your black kuhli loach.

Unfortunately, german blue rams are very fragile and like the pH below 7, and temperature above 80. Platy's like a higher pH and low water temperature.

I also think your tank is well stocked as it is, or else I'd suggest bolivian rams which are easier to care for and accept the same water conditions.
Hehe love that burmese loach, looks really chubby =D

Thanks, it surely gets it's share of the food! :D It's also the biggest one. Some people have said that females are a bit chubby, but I don't know really.
Well i was going to take out the platies for the ram but i think instead because im starting to get ataced to my platies my dad said if im going to add anything i am going to add 1 striped kulie and 2 glass cats so that means that i will have 4 glass cats and 2 kulie loaches

Kardinal tetras
The background here is breathtaking.. Reminded me of a creek my uncle used to take me to all the time when I was a kid. Absolutely gorgeous, all your photos are :wub:

Well i was going to take out the platies for the ram but i think instead because im starting to get ataced to my platies my dad said if im going to add anything i am going to add 1 striped kulie and 2 glass cats so that means that i will have 4 glass cats and 2 kulie loaches
I wouldn't recommend the blue rams for beginners either. They're quite touchy.

If you were to rehome your platties, I'd up the kuhli loaches to 6 as well as the glass cats, and add two bolivian rams rather than blue rams. That'd make your tank mighty stocked, but not unmanageable.
My son's (Sailfin Zack's) pH is the same as mine and it varies between 6.8 to 7.4. Lately the tanks have all been running at about 7.0 and none of the fish seem to mind. Temps are at 75-76 degreees F. I already told him that German Blue Rams need higher temps. We have no idea what our water hardness is, we're on county water not a well. I've been meaning to get a test for hardness but haven't gotten around to it yet.
You spelled my name wrong dad :blink:
Well the sunburst wag platy died and since the Double bar platy was bulling the marigold i put the platy in my dads tank
Sorry to hear about your sunburst platy. :-(

Also sorry to hear that your dad doesn't know your name is Zach...not Zack. :lol:
That's we're the flow seems to put the pellets lol :good:
Some lovely looking fish here.
I'd love a big fresh room to have almost all of them

These are my favorite fish so far...........are these all in the same tank? If so you rule bro! My favorite fish is the third photo, thats' an Apisto right?

Sorry for late reply, they are fish I've had over the last 3-4 years, sadly my ph and water hardness means that they rarely survive long enough which is a massive shame as i love dwarf cichlids etc

Thats an Apistogramma Macmasteri, same as my avatar, havent seen many as nice as that one was though :(

I now have Tiger barbs and Kribensis



Not my pic-
Now your in trouble!

Female L052 Plec *Stripey 1* & Baby Rio Bristlenoses

Panda Kuhli & Apple Snails

Bettas! *Siamese Fighter Fish*













Thats just a few of what I currently own ;)
Sorry for late reply, they are fish I've had over the last 3-4 years, sadly my ph and water hardness means that they rarely survive long enough which is a massive shame as i love dwarf cichlids etc

Thats an Apistogramma Macmasteri, same as my avatar, havent seen many as nice as that one was though :(

I now have Tiger barbs and Kribensis

Yeah, I plan to get some Apistos someday & I'll keep and I'll keep an eye out for one like that. I'd like to have some Rams, Kribs & Apistos if that's even possible.................

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