Should I Get A Pleco ?


Fish Fanatic
Mar 5, 2009
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up hill and down dale
I was wondering if i should complete my set up with a pleco or 2. They are great for cleaning the glass but is it true they make more crap than they clean?
I was wondering if i should complete my set up with a pleco or 2. They are great for cleaning the glass but is it true they make more crap than they clean?

Yes thats indeed true, what isnt true is not all and by that i mean most will not clean the algae or clean the glass in general
oh ok. so what do they actually do then?

Some plecs like brislenose and even commons/gibbiceps will eat algae but its not enough alone for it to survive, plecs in general are scanvengers they will eat any uneaten foods etc etc , but even with eating uneaten foods u still have to target feed to make sure they get enough not to starve to death.

Various plecs wont even touch algae and need a meaty diet, some require wood.

Have a look and see what sort of plec takes your fancy, then come back and im sure theres many knowledgable people here to help you to see if its sutible for your needs :)

What a pleco will actually do is eat plant matter in order to grow. Because they survive mainly n plant matter, which is low in nutrients compared to animal matter, they will excrete more waste than a meat eater. It is true of all plant eaters and is not really a problem except for aesthetics. Depending on the particular algae, a pleco may or may not eat it. The real answer to algae is twofold. First do what you can to minimize the growth and second remove the algae when you clean the tank. Adding a fish to do your work is always a losing proposition. Although they may remove the algae, they will cause you other maintenance issues.

If you like a pleco, get it and enjoy it for itself. If there are fish you would rather have, clean your own tank and get the fish you really like.

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