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It is proper etiquette to credit the source...
I'm not even going to bother
I'm not even going to bother
In six plus years of posting on fish and plant forums all over the net, I have never once posted telling somebody to search the net or the site on which I was making the post for the answer.
It is proper etiquette to credit the source...
I'm not even going to bother
...Regardless, by just typing in the website/forum name isn't that just the same as providing a link as far as the rules go anyhow?
This is my opinion on this rule: As long as you are not blatantly advertising other fish forums here with that as your only purpose, then what is the problem?
I think the mods sometimes impose this rule too strongly sometimes to the point people just join other forums anyways because they get fed up with this one.
This forum should have its members best interests at heart as this is the only reason why it has succeeded, this forum did not succeed because it imposed such freedom restrictions on what info you could post- i think sometimes people here forget that.
This is my opinion on this rule: As long as you are not blatantly advertising other fish forums here with that as your only purpose, then what is the problem?
I think the mods sometimes impose this rule too strongly sometimes to the point people just join other forums anyways because they get fed up with this one.
This forum should have its members best interests at heart as this is the only reason why it has succeeded, this forum did not succeed because it imposed such freedom restrictions on what info you could post- i think sometimes people here forget that.
There are probably as many opinions as there are members on the forum. Fortunately (or unfortunately, depending on your particular view) the only one that matters in this instance is that of the site owner. As stated a few pages ago, we are here as his guests; the least we can do is to respect the rules and guidelines for posting, and carry on benefiting from the wealth of experience freely available here. If members (or guests) find that conflicts with their own preferences, I'm afraid there's only one answer.
All opinions vary, and TBH I think that a blanket ban on other forums isn't a good thing. Posting a link to the zebra pleco forum isn't going to do any harm, but posting a link to another genreal fish forum when there are plenty of answers that don't involve going there probably is.
depends on the MOOD of the MODI've seen advertising for peoples own sites many times...sometimes they're deleted, sometimes not.. I don't know which ones are allowed and which ones arent..