Shocked By Forum Rules

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In six plus years of posting on fish and plant forums all over the net, I have never once posted telling somebody to search the net or the site on which I was making the post for the answer.

You may not have done this, but it is VERY common for people to simply reply with an answer of "use the search button" on I would guess the majority of forums out there. It's a very legitamite answer also. People don't want to type the same things over and over again, and even if you can't link to another site (which I don't agree with), the answer is still in this site, it just takes the original poster 30 seconds to search for it.
Andy, the thing is, RC has lots of other forums for things that people can't get at GR, so unless they are really into just that one part and don't care about others then they will come back to RC. yes RC has a Large FO section, but everything that the mods aren't trying to kill on RC is large (some forums are defaulted to only show topics from the last 24 hours, so every time you have to futz with the drop down menu, and some forums they move every post out of) If you look at it given the size of this forum we have a fairly large Betta section, but if someone wanted to link to betta forum XYZ then they could probably get away with it, so long as it wasn't aquatic jerks fish forums betta section that is.
It is proper etiquette to credit the source...


I'm not even going to bother

To properly credit a source though the person should provide a web address to an online source, the volume and/or edition (as well as print year) of the article in question if it is in a book, etc, etc, etc. That being the case it is impossible to credit the source properly. Regardless, by just typing in the website/forum name isn't that just the same as providing a link as far as the rules go anyhow?
This is my opinion on this rule: As long as you are not blatantly advertising other fish forums here with that as your only purpose, then what is the problem?
I think the mods sometimes impose this rule too strongly sometimes to the point people just join other forums anyways because they get fed up with this one.
This forum should have its members best interests at heart as this is the only reason why it has succeeded, this forum did not succeed because it imposed such freedom restrictions on what info you could post- i think sometimes people here forget that.
This is my opinion on this rule: As long as you are not blatantly advertising other fish forums here with that as your only purpose, then what is the problem?
I think the mods sometimes impose this rule too strongly sometimes to the point people just join other forums anyways because they get fed up with this one.
This forum should have its members best interests at heart as this is the only reason why it has succeeded, this forum did not succeed because it imposed such freedom restrictions on what info you could post- i think sometimes people here forget that.

There are probably as many opinions as there are members on the forum. Fortunately (or unfortunately, depending on your particular view) the only one that matters in this instance is that of the site owner. As stated a few pages ago, we are here as his guests; the least we can do is to respect the rules and guidelines for posting, and carry on benefiting from the wealth of experience freely available here. If members (or guests) find that conflicts with their own preferences, I'm afraid there's only one answer.
This is my opinion on this rule: As long as you are not blatantly advertising other fish forums here with that as your only purpose, then what is the problem?
I think the mods sometimes impose this rule too strongly sometimes to the point people just join other forums anyways because they get fed up with this one.
This forum should have its members best interests at heart as this is the only reason why it has succeeded, this forum did not succeed because it imposed such freedom restrictions on what info you could post- i think sometimes people here forget that.

There are probably as many opinions as there are members on the forum. Fortunately (or unfortunately, depending on your particular view) the only one that matters in this instance is that of the site owner. As stated a few pages ago, we are here as his guests; the least we can do is to respect the rules and guidelines for posting, and carry on benefiting from the wealth of experience freely available here. If members (or guests) find that conflicts with their own preferences, I'm afraid there's only one answer.

Very true indeed, but i think the controversy arises because of how much this rule should be enforced- William as far as i am aware imposed the rule to prevent people advertising other forums here, but did he want that to be done exactly like that or were there exceptions to the rule?
There do seem to be exceptions to the rule- i personally believe that TwoTankAmin was not deliberatly trying to advertise another forum, but the Mods seem to have treated him that way as if i was doing just that. This is why i think he has got so upset bcause of how the Mods reacted to him, with him being a long term and loyal member- i believe if the mods had handled the situation a bit more delicately, this upset would nt have arisen at all.
If have got the wrong end of the stick so to speak, please say :) .
All opinions vary, and TBH I think that a blanket ban on other forums isn't a good thing. Posting a link to the zebra pleco forum isn't going to do any harm, but posting a link to another genreal fish forum when there are plenty of answers that don't involve going there probably is.
All opinions vary, and TBH I think that a blanket ban on other forums isn't a good thing. Posting a link to the zebra pleco forum isn't going to do any harm, but posting a link to another genreal fish forum when there are plenty of answers that don't involve going there probably is.

I tried a search on zebra pleco's here after seeing the link to the zebra forums and found almost no useful infomation here. I'm glad the link was posted as I'm now very interesting in finding a zebra pleco for my tank. I think my LFS has one and hopefully he doesn't want a my first born for it.
Ah yes, but some things are a very specialised area. You can't expect a general fish forum to have that much dedicated to fish that only bank robbers can afford :lol: Same as many other groups of fish.
I've seen advertising for peoples own sites many times...sometimes they're deleted, sometimes not.. I don't know which ones are allowed and which ones arent..
I've seen advertising for peoples own sites many times...sometimes they're deleted, sometimes not.. I don't know which ones are allowed and which ones arent..
depends on the MOOD of the MOD :lol: :lol: :lol:
No it depends if a mod finds them actually, if a member only posts in begginers and bettas then only mods that use that area of the forum will see their posts.

Generally it works this way, links to specialist forums which are a huge resource for particular fish such as Planet Catfish, Zebra and Waterwolves are allowed if the question hasnt or cant been answered in a satisfactory way here, we dont have experts in every field and sometimes you must go elsewhere to get the information you need.
For instance if someone wants information on a large predatory fish the chances are that only two or three people will be able to give a informed reply at this forum, if this doesnt help the topic starter then a link to waterwolves may be given where he can get 20 replies as that forum specialises in predatory fish.

Links to other general fish forums which like this one cover all aspects of the hobby but cater mainly for the casual hobiest with a community tank are not allowed, after all would someone running a business allow people to send his customers to his competitors who are giving the exact same service?
and you have to agree with the mods.
they have the badge.
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