Shay's Tank... 15g Bowfront...

She asked me today when I am doing cuttings again... :shifty: I think she is planning something. She just doesn't want to tell me yet. I don't think it will be long though.
I will let you know what happens.

Thanks for looking and posting. :good:
I'm back! This is Shay, ya' know the 4yr old with
tank talent. I'm 11 (almost 12!!!) and I haven't done a tank in 3/4/5yrs! As some of you have seen my "4yr old pro tank pic", as mom called it at 1 point or another. After that I turned 5 and stopped "tanking" beautiful, large, and/or flamboyant tanks. At 8 I did a little piddle tank w/ goldfish, and did that for 'bout half a year. (still been learning from mommy though!!)    Now (very soon I hope!?!) I will move into a different (bigger) room,(plz!!?? mommy!
) to do a bigger and more flamboyant 1 than when I was 4. I am trying to find a balance between "plastic/fake", "reel/green" , and bright neon glow in the dark colors!
 I mean, it hasn't been hard or any thing, but I can't decide what 2 get & what 2 leave at the store! If u c this, plz    HHHHHHHHHHHHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
P.S I will try to get fin. pics  up as soon as I can.
(P.P.S I don't look that diff, but I do look older. So you can tell what is new and how much I've grown)
                                                                                  WISH ME LUCK!
Tanking world, look out!   
Hay ppl go 2 pg. 1 to get updated if you haven't seen my "4yr masterpiece". And if u have go check it out again and compare w/ pics 2 come!!!            xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo--------shay-shay or fishieDoodle!
P.P .P.S sorry this is so long, just so excited!!!!

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