Sexing & Feeding African Butterflyfish


Feb 1, 2009
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I've had three african butterflyfish in my 46 gallon tank for the last 5 days. In that time, I've been watching their colouration and behaviour in an attempt to determine sexes. I -think- I've got 1 male and 2 females. But I'm not entirely certain.

Is there an easy way to sex these guys?

The one I suspect is male is darker in colour, much more striking, and more nippy.
The two I suspect are female are lighter in colour, and appear to defer to the suspected male when near him.


These guys are reluctantly taking my flake food daily and are getting live crickets once a week. Do they need to be fed anything else? Is there anything easier (and less squirmy) to feed them?
Sexing is done by the shape of the anal fin. The trailing edge is straight on females and concave on males. Unfortunately specimens in pet shops often get nipped a bit by barbs and tetras so this isn't always obvious. But it is at least doable for specimens that have been at home for a few weeks.

You should try and get your ABFs eating more than just one thing. However nutritious, there's always a risk of them suddenly going off them, and then you're really stuck. Settled specimens will eat flake and pellets. In fact I was up at Coventry Aquatics this week and very impressed to see their specimens going mad for New Era tropical fish flake, so that's one option. Also try hand-feeding using forceps; that's my preferred approach when keeping carnivores because it's fun and ensures minimal wastage. Remember ABFs only go for stuff in front of their eyes.

Cheers, Neale
Sexing is done by the shape of the anal fin. The trailing edge is straight on females and concave on males. Unfortunately specimens in pet shops often get nipped a bit by barbs and tetras so this isn't always obvious. But it is at least doable for specimens that have been at home for a few weeks.

You should try and get your ABFs eating more than just one thing. However nutritious, there's always a risk of them suddenly going off them, and then you're really stuck. Settled specimens will eat flake and pellets. In fact I was up at Coventry Aquatics this week and very impressed to see their specimens going mad for New Era tropical fish flake, so that's one option. Also try hand-feeding using forceps; that's my preferred approach when keeping carnivores because it's fun and ensures minimal wastage. Remember ABFs only go for stuff in front of their eyes.

Cheers, Neale

My ABF's were kept in a species tank at the pet store. Just other ABF's. So no nipped fins. My serpaes don't go anywhere near them. My angel did, but she was the one who was nipped, not the ABFs. So their fins are perfect.

Can someone post a picture of a male and female anal fin so I can compare?

Just gave some more crickets, not as many as last time though. I -will- get them to eat my flake. Going to try to find a floating pellet for them too. Crickets are messy, and escape artists. 1 escaped up the filter intake tube, into the filter, and out through the top of the outflow. Not impressed. he's in the carpet somewhere.

Is there a floating pellet available for these guys? Would a floating cichlid pellet work?
My new African Butterfly (a male I think, the anal fin has a "notch" like _/- towards the lowest part) is slowly recognising when I'm trying to feed him specifically...

I drop single pellets of Prima Discus in front of him, which he now pounces on more than he lets sink, especially now my four very inquisitive Golden Wonder Panchax have realised what is going on and now try to beat my Butterfly to them!

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