Sexing Badis Badis - Pic Included


Fish Crazy
Jul 31, 2006
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hey. i have just got a pair of badis badis from my lfs. can you tell me if i got a succeful pair(male and female). Thanks

The smaller one is about 3cm and the larger one is bout 4.5cm. The larger one has darken heaps more now than in the photos whilst the smaller one has stayed virtually the same (only darkening just a bit for a few seconds). I took the photo when they are together but mostly, they are swimming separately with the larger occupying its coconut cave more frequent. Periodically, the larger one chases the smaller one.
id say thats a postive id of male\female having kept 4 different badis sp.
males are generally far far more colourful

a word of warning make sure there are plenty of hiding places in there for the female or she may well be harassed to death
i've used a coconut shell as for apistos, just make the tiniest notch so she can get it but the male cant..

plenty of bloodworm and they may well give you young.

id say thats a postive id of male\female having kept 4 different badis sp.
males are generally far far more colourful

a word of warning make sure there are plenty of hiding places in there for the female or she may well be harassed to death
i've used a coconut shell as for apistos, just make the tiniest notch so she can get it but the male cant..

plenty of bloodworm and they may well give you young.


Thanks. Today i might also think positively that i got a male/female pair since today the male is darkish brown, nearly black with a hint of his stripes with the smaller one still having the same colour. Right now their are free floating java moss and a coconut cave. Its a 2foot aquarium so today i might just add more coconut caves. They have settled in well now. BTW, could they just live off 'live' black worms as their main meal (as in everyday). They really enjoy that stuff, they take no notice on flake foods whatsoever.
i've tried many different foods and they never took flake\pellets etc

they even refuse brineshrimp;live and frozen.

mine currently get bloodworm but not everyday every other and a 2 day break once a week to keep em
keen without over feeding.

run with the temp about 24*c they like it on the cool side of warm!!
Female left and male right.

Male is larger and stronger marked.

Feed mine on grindal and brineshrimp, not seen them eat granulated but as I have plenty of live no problem (will also take frozen bloodworm).

Temp is currently 23/24c

Mine are in a temporary tank till I sort out a planted one for them, got wool mops and plant pots to hide in, no filter just aeration, but I do water changes every other day to keep ontop of things till I can move them.
do you know any suitable tankmates that can go in there with them. Its a 2foot aquarium housing only the pair of badis badis. its going to be a breeding tank for the badis badis so will it be safe to put a couple of ottos or red cherry shrimp in there?
Don't see otto's being a problem or shrimps but not sure about cherry's as I can't keep them and don't have anything in with my badis.
do you know any suitable tankmates that can go in there with them. Its a 2foot aquarium housing only the pair of badis badis. its going to be a breeding tank for the badis badis so will it be safe to put a couple of ottos or red cherry shrimp in there?

I kept some of these in a Rekord 70 tank with cherry shrimp, 3 otos and 5 small corydoras. The shrimp hid all the time as the badis pestered them. I currently feed my B blosyrus on cherry shrimp and I suspect the smaller badis (or dario dario, as I think it's now called) is as aggressive, just a lot smaller.

They were very easy to breed. The male shows off to the female - you'll know it when you see - and eventually they find some plants to hide in and cuddle, dropping eggs. The male ate most of them but every week or so a new baby appeared from under the java moss-covered bogwood. If you want the babies to survive, you'll need to move the eggs to a new tank orprovide lot of hiding places, tiny ones the adults can't get to. Bogwood covering the gravel worked for me by accident.

I wish I never sold mine as they are wonderful! :)
do you know any suitable tankmates that can go in there with them. Its a 2foot aquarium housing only the pair of badis badis. its going to be a breeding tank for the badis badis so will it be safe to put a couple of ottos or red cherry shrimp in there?

I've kept Bumble Bee Gobies successfully with Dario darios, so if the species are similar enough it should be fine. BB Gobies usually stay on the bottom so there's very little interaction between the two. There has always been alot of debate as to whether BB gobies (and specifically which species) are brackish fish, so check with your fish store to see if they can order the fresh water variety.

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