Laetacara Curvicep Cichlids

Here's a shot of the two of them. The tank is also about 45 litres....

There's been more dancing, lots of shimmying and spiralling around one another!

Oh I got some emperors too, they are settling in beautifully!
they're looking good and a definite female there at the front and the definite male at the back. You got the sexing spot on :D I hope the dance carries on. It all sounds good and with some luck you should get a spawn soon :D
I spotted my pair lip locking a couple of nights ago! They've not done that all year! Perhaps they've finally made up ... I really hope so 
So do you think a 45 litre would be too small to move them into to try and get a successful spawn?
what are the tank dimensions? I think that's probably more important. They don't really need the height but the length and depth will be important. I'm sat looking at my 30 litre tank for instance and thinking 'I wouldn't put my pair in there, it's too small'. They'd probably be better in a 60 litre. You have to think that they could have as many as 200 fry and if 200 survive (which is unlikely, I know) there's no way a 45 litre tank could cope.
I had mine in my Juwel Rekord 800, which is 110 litres, measures 81cm long and 36cm deep. I had just 18 fry in there once and it was surprising how quickly they filled that tank.
The fry grow slowly to begin with but then get a growth spurt. Bearing in mind that you'd need to get them to around 2cm before you can move them on they'll soon out grow a smaller tank
Sorry for the edit, I was eating lunch and trying to reply and hit post too soon!
It's this tank, a aquamanta xanti 40 which is 60 x 26 x 27.5........
I would say that's too small. Especially as any fry will stay with the parents for quite a while. I'd also be worried about it not having a lid and being so shallow. I think your in danger of finding fish on the floor one day
Oh it does have a lid, it's not pictured for some reason. I've had cories, tetras and gourami in it so far and no one has escaped. Not a whole lot going on in it at the moment though, thought it might give them a bit of peace and quiet cos the big tank has an awful lot going on in it. My rainbow cichlids spawn a lot and the fry always disappear over the course of a few nights...
ahh I see. No worries. 
Well if you want to use it maybe you could put parents in and let them spawn but be ready to move fry somewhere bigger once they grow. The sad reality for me was that no one wanted the fry I'd painstakingly raised - I hope you have better luck :)
You might find if your other cichlids are spawning that curviceps follows suit. Most cichlids release hormones into the water when they spawn and that can set other fish into spawning mode. I know when my curviceps first spawned my bolivian rams followed with some eggs a day later and then 2 days later a lone female angelfish laid eggs too! 
Even now, my new angels are getting a bit frisky and it seems to be affecting cuviceps. I think that is why I've seen them lip locking. I think the angels are releasing hormones and curviceps are reacting to it
Keep me posted with what you decide to do. I'd love to see some baby curvi's again :D
my pair have been moved today into a tempory tank and the male isn't looking good at the moment. I'm worried 
Oh dear, I hope they are going to be ok for you. Mine are a bit stunned with their change in environment but I'm hoping they will settle in a few days. I've put a picture of the tank setup - going to get a few more plants I think. Or add a few more rocks.

I picked up some thread fin acara for the main tank the other day too, very excited about them also. They are stunning. I had been trying for ages with ellioti but they all seemed to go thin and die on me after awhile. I got a group of 4, so will see how they go.

Looks great! Hope they settle in :)
I'm deverstated. I've just found my female curviceps dead and dried up on the kitchen floor. She must have jumped out of the temporary tank at some point. 
wow...nice looking fish.  you say they are 5-6cm.  do they have to be paired?
edit:  oh no!  Im sorry about the loss!
yes they need to be a pair so getting a new mate for my male is going to be difficult. I've been to my favourite lfs and had a chat with the owner and he's said he'll keep eyes and ears open for another female and if the male he finds me one and the male won't accept her I can return her.
I'm still in a bad mood though. So angry with myself

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