Well as the title says, I recently bought 3 albino corys but i'm a begginer with them and I was just wondering how to sex them and if they will breed in a community tank with 6 neons and a male fighter? The tank is 21"x1'x1'. I think it's about 14UK Gallons.
It's not necceseraly a problem, if they do breed and I am able to keep the babies without a worry then I might, if I can't them I will sell them to my LFS.
Your albinos will probably spawn in your community tank once they are mature. Then you can remove the eggs to another tank to raise the fry.
The way to tell males from females is that females are bigger. When grown, they are both longer and wider. If you look at them from above, the difference will be easy to see. Here's a pair of my black C. aeneus, which are the same species as your albinos, so you can see what to expect:
Thanks inchworm, and they are nice corys, how much did they cost? I will tell you when they spawn, but could I also ask if they would do well in a 15G, (I'll move community fish to my other 15G (maybe a bit bigger)). At the minute I have a tank which I bought for £3.20 and I have a 50W heater and a small filter in it, but in a couple of months time i'm buying my brothers setup for £30 (filter, hood with lights, heater, sand, ornaments). Just need to wait until he moves into his own house before I can have it. Do you think it will take 2 months for my corys to mature (they do look quite small). Say if they did breed and I had baby corys, is it possible to feed them on live bloodworms and crushed flake as I think bbs will probably be hard to find around my area. Also, like I don't want an exact number but what is the number of fry that survive i'm looking at will be? Just a rough estimate would be nice please...