Serious Filter Questions..Need Pro Help!

This is a fish only tank so I need not worry about inverts..I didn't read too much about diatoms so any info would be appreciated. I'm also hooking up a wet/dry today so I may have some ??'s.
Diatom algae is seen as ugly brown stuff. This will stick around for a few months, and then vanish. I went on a vacation to Florida once for two weeks- before I left, the tank was full of this stuff, when I got back, it was completely empty.

Just wait. It will start, then flourish, then die off almost completely in a couple of months. :fish:
Cool, Very good to know. I successfully hooked up the wet/dry Amiracle sl150 filter. Now i have that (biological) and a aquaclear 300 for mechanical filtration running. Seems to all be working well once I adjusted the inner box for the proper water level. Any suggestions on what I will be needing to do for upkeep and how often on these filters?
You're going to have to clean any and all filters, from time to time, to prevent them from being clogged.

Just a note: This does NOT go for the biological filter! This should be left alone, and the bacteria undisturbed!

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