Hey all, I have started a 55 gallon salt water tank (fish only) and everything is going excellent fo rthe first 6 weeks. I have a Aquaclear 300 power filter, & Powerhead for water movement and a Amiracle wet/dry system for biological that's not hooked up yet.. Now here is my dilemma, My LFS owner tells me that I should take the carbon out of my power filter and just use fluff. The reason he tells me this is so I can constently put copper in my tank as a "prevention for desease". Now that sounds all well and great but every book I have read and most articles I see everyone uses activated carbon for mechanical filtration. If I was to put a dose of copper weekly in my tank the carbon sucks it right out and I get no copper readings. So my question for the pros out there are what do I do?? I don't want to have parasite problems but I also dont want to slowly kill my fish with constant copper doses?? Anyone having a suggestion would be very helpful. I alos want to know if I should keep the Aquaclear hooked up for mechanical filtration when I install the wet/dry for biological.