Senegal Bichir

Ok so out of this:
4 angel fish
2 bristlenose plecos
1 senegal bichir
2 firemouths

What should I buy first? I only have $25.00 to spend on extra things for the tank. I plan on buying plants and some of the fish listed. I have cycled the tank, and all I need is to finish decorating it. What fish should I buy first, and would leave me enough money left for some plants? I don't need alot of plants since I am going to take some out of my already running tank.
I have crossed the firemouths off my list.
it is now:
4 angel fish
2 bristlenose plecos
1 senegal bichir
Have you already bought the fish? And what else do you want in the tank. You have a little room for something else.
Well I was wondering what I should buy first. Also yeah it seems like the tank will be a little empty... What can I add?
How about adult congo tetras or killifish or another large tetra? Or a pair of keyhole cichlids.
Well I have decided, for the sake of the fish in my 29 gallon, that I am going to transfer them into the 55 gal. As you can see my stocking isnt very good.

4 corydoras
2 yoyo loaches
1 pleco
1 rtbs
3 platys
1 honey gourami
1 betta
3 black skirt tetras

It really isnt very good. I could add some fish to this though! What oddball could go with this?
Ok forget my last post. I have changed the stocking in my 29 so that is all settled. I went to my lfs and I have found the senegals to be very expensive! So back to old stocking but - the senegal too! What odd balls go with this?

4 angel fish
2 bristlenosed plecos
Ok so:
4 angel fish
2 bristlenosed plecos
1 african butterfly fish
6 yoyo loaches

Anything else?
Very good idea. I have never had them before, so how many? Maybe three?

Also I have always wanted rams. I just think they are adorable for some reason. Two of them?

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