Senegal Bichir

Oh. That may very well be the mistake I made. At the time he was with very little fish and by himself. Now I feel horrible.
Thanks. It's just I put so much effort into feeding the darn thing and he would eat the baby shrimp and shrimp pellets I gave him. Sometimes when he sent out his "electrical signals" looking for food I would get shocked sometimes.

Off to spread the :lol:
Thanks for the advice! I have never had an elephant nose before so I had no idea. Thats why I asked on here. I will scratch that off my list for stocking plans.
Will there be enough room for a group of yoyo loaches?

Here is the stocking plan for now.
2 angel fish
1 bristlenosed pleco
1 senegal bichir
2 firemouths
1 red tailed shark

And if there is, than how many shall I add? I was thinking maybe six?
Yeah. I have two yoyo loaches and they are the same size of my red tailed shark, and he is probably full grown. The red tailed shark is thicker though. So what type of bottom dweller could I have?

Oh and I just thought of something, maybe a opaline gourami? I have read this will get up to six inches long. So I dont think it will fit in the senegal's mouth.

Also I had a chinese algae eater when I first started fish keeping. I absolutely loved this fish. They get really big, and I think it would fit in with the other fish.
Chinese algae eaters will sooner or later stop eating algae and start eating the slime coat and other various parts off your fish. Maybe slower ones like an angel fish or senegal bichir. How about a pair of bristlenose. You can't have any cory's. Not sure about the gourami.
How about this
55 gallon tank

4 angel fish
2 bristlenose plecos
1 senegal bichir
2 firemouths
1 red tailed shark
It all depends. Female firemouths are less aggressive, but firemouths are already less aggressive for a cichlid anyways. I guess it depends on which one you get. halfbloodprincess could get two females to have less aggression but the females of course have less red which is not so appealing.
I thought firemouths were fairly agressive? Enough to terrorize angelfish?
More territorial, by no means a community fish. But if there are rooms for terrritorys the angels will stay out of the way. It is definatley a good point and something to take into consideration. Have a 20 high on standby in case it doesnt work.


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