Senegal Bichir


Fish Herder
Aug 29, 2006
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I saw tons of senegal bichirs at my lfs. I have come to like them alot. I was wondering if they are ok for 55 gal. tanks. Also what fish are compatible with them? :)
Yep that tank size is fine for them. Any chunky fish over 4" will be safe. What were you intending to keep with them?
I am not quite sure what to keep with them. My original stocking was going to be:
2 angel fish
2 rams
5 yoyo loaches
5 corydoras
5 platys
1 bristlenose pleco

What would I have to take away, and what would work? And what can I have with them also? :)
I am not quite sure what to keep with them. My original stocking was going to be:
2 angel fish
2 rams
5 yoyo loaches
5 corydoras
5 platys
1 bristlenose pleco

What would I have to take away, and what would work? And what can I have with them also? :)

It will eat the rams, probably the loaches, and the platys. Angels should be ok, as will the plec. The Corrys should be ok if they are big.
For tank mates, id be looking at larger shoaling fish like Rainbows and larger barbs as well as any assoreted oddball. Peaceful cichlids are also ok.
Ok would this be ok?
2 angel fish
1 senegal bichir
1 red tailed shark
1 bristle nosed pleco

what type of cichlid could I have? I really like them.
yeah that setup would be fine. for a chiclid you could try, Labidochromis caeruleus, i think they are peaceful enough. but im not 100% sure
I have never heard of the Labidochromis caeruleus, but isnt that an african cichlid? I don't think that would work.

If I chose firemouths, would I have one or a pair?

Also, would a long-nosed elephant fish be ok? I have never had them, but I have always been interested in them.

Ok would this be ok?
2 angel fish
1 senegal bichir
1 red tailed shark
1 bristle nosed pleco
1 elephant nosed fish
1 butterfly fish

If I can have firemouths with that, would one work?
Here's what I would do

2 angelfish
1 senegal bichir
1 red tailed shark
pair of firemouths
1 bristlenose pleco

That's because the senegal comes up and what if it encounters the ABF while coming to the top when it's bigger?
And I once had an elephant nose. I found it very difficult to feed him which ultimately ended in his demise. I was very sad that day. But it might work better for you. You have to have hiding places for it though.
Sounds good to me. I think I will try the elephant nosed fish. I will definatly have good hiding places for it. And if it doesnt work out I can always get it its own tank.


2 angelfish
1 senegal bichir
1 red tailed shark
pair of firemouths
1 bristlenose pleco
1 elephant nose
since clown loaches get about 1 foot and need to be in groups i dont think your tank can hold them. but i think a gold dojo loach is big enough to not get eaten and can fit in your tank.

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