Selling fish to the LFS...

I have 2 main LFS i go to. One is a chain and getting to know the manager well, ands we talk about my kribs and another local owned one. The local guy said he would buy the pygmy cories if I could breed them. They are hard to get and he is too busy breeding other fish for show and doesnt have anymore room for breeding corys. I have been buying from him for years and he knows me well. Anyways, it isnt for everyone, but I am planning to slowly turn my hobby into breeding the pygmy corys. I want to breed all three pygmies but am starting off with the ones in my sig and I am already looking into converting my Basement into a hatchery :D. That is years down the road but I am planning for it now. My first few batches will be give aways until I have the room to put the fry and properly raise them. I am right now getting the breeding down pat. :kana:

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