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Wow. Can he be banned from the board by sending hate mail to members? That is VERY inappropriate, and he shouldn't be able to do such a thing without being in some way penalized. Since he thinks we are all so vastly stupid and inferior anyways, I'm sure he wouldn't mind no longer coming to the board. :grr:
osteoporoosi dont want to start another arguement on this board but just a curius question.Why cant fish be kept in round bowls?
i received this unwanted and unsolicited email from John Nicholson:

Hey, me too!
...What on earth? I don't have anything against John, but seriously, some people need to grow up a little. Everyone has an opinion, and just because a person has an opinion that disagrees with yours doesn't mean they're idiotic. If their opinion differs from mine, on the other hand... :lol:

I jest. Diversity of thought is what makes the world go 'round. Maybe next time, instead of resorting to petty name-calling, we can all just agree to disagree? :)
I'm sorry Bristlenose, but since people have interest on finnish codes I have ROUGHLY translated a bit of the recommendations conserning aquariums:

fish are not allowed to keep in round bowls

I am officially illegal in Finland!

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