I took the plunge with evening lighting a few years ago Kiriyama.
What I did was to decide that low light blue LED arrangements would give me more than I needed for low light lighting that would allow me to see my fish. The end result has been astonishing for me. I cannot show any pictures because I have very low light in my tanks in the evening. Instead of having enough light to show in pictures, my fish experience just enough light to allow me to see them and to allow them to get around their tank without bumping into objects. My fish do not end up being kept awake by the bright light in their tanks, there isn't any. Instead there is just enough light to allow the fish to navigate while I can see their movements in the tank.
My lights are on all the time, I do not bother with timers for a mere 15 watts or so of total LED light for the tank. Instead I find that the night lights, moon lights if you will, are not really visible with the main tank lights lit. With the main tank lights out, the night lights become quite visible and are the main light source for the tank.