Save Saxon Retired Police Dog They Want To Kill


Fish Herder
Jan 13, 2005
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it's easier to ask forgiveness than permission
A very loyal K9 named Saxon who had served his community is at HIGH RISK of being put down because he is retired. The K9 handler offers his partner (K9 Saxon) a lifetime home with his wife and children and the Gwent Police Department still want to put this gorgeous German shepherd dog to sleep.

to read the full story and to sign please follow the link

SAVE Saxon petition
Thats terrible.

I used to have a neighbour when i lived in Co Durham and he was a dog handler and he was automaticly given the choice to take his dogs on as pets when they retired from the police force .I know he had 2 retired and his working dog when i moved
I signed. We have a guy up the road whos a dog handler he took his german shepard home when he retired dont see why saxon cant go too! That's harsh.

is this the place? sounds like maybe some direct emails and phone calls to the local papers might be effective. judging by the press release, this place can't afford much more bad press regarding its treatment of animals.

does anyone know if the UK equivalent to PETA has been notified? i know PETA's always a nice rabid defender; good for stirring up the press. (when you can't appeal to a group's ethics, the next step is to go for embarassment.)
my dog was almost K9. he was supposed to go into the program but the people taking care of him couldnt keep up with him so they gave him to the vet and thats where we got him from.
I signed! (Almost up to 3,000 signatures!) I really hope this ends in Saxon's favor. I wonder what would happen if retired human police officers were to be put to sleep at the end of their careers? Now, that would raise alot of questions. I know that US military working dogs are put to sleep when they are retired, because they are actually more aggressive than civilian poilice dogs. Still sad.
Signed yesterday. It's really unfair what they're doing, particularly since his handler, who ought to know him better than anyone, would be happy to take him. :no:
Signed it, and will foward to people who I know will sign.

Police are meant to stop murder, not commit it!
hi have signed how terrible..... hes done that police force proud and now hes retired they want to
write him off
totally disgusting
How does that make sense? They give police dogs pretty much the full rights of a cop, even consider them officers, but when they retire they want to put them down? Its sad how some people can dis-regard life so carelessly.

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