Same Question As Below


New Member
Apr 10, 2006
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I thought i'd rewrite my previous question due to lack of reponses because most people didn't know what I was trying to do. I am trying to convert my freshwater tropical tank into a Fish only or Fish only with live rock setup, can anybody explain how this can be done? eg. what I have to buy, what I can keep etc. I currently have riversand substrate, no ornaments, an internal filter (soon to be a canister), a 220W heater and 2 tiger oscars (finding a new home now due to the fact they are getting big now, I had anticipated this from the time I bought them and now it is time). The tank is 55gallons. thank you to anybody who can lead me to information
As I said in the previous post im doing the same thing, take a read of this..

Im currently in the same process, I'm going the fish and live rock only route.

I have taken everything out my tank, you obviously cant keep the plants, rock or bogwood. You can keep the pumps (need around 2) heater (need 2) one for the tank and one to heat up the water change bucket, you can also keep the tank (if its in a good condition) and also the thermometer.

I had a jewel tank and ripped out the heater section, this is where the filter pads where as these aren't required as live rock does this for you (also a bonus as it gives you more space)

Other than that if your going the same route as me I beleive a hydrometer, salt (and lots of it), ro unit, coral sand and another thermometer (for your mixing bucket) to be it. Oh and also a blue tube to give the fish a better viewing light.

If your going the coral route then expect to pay lots more and require ALOT more.

I think thats correct as im also new to marine. order to help out with this question, you need to go thru the FAQ's in the marine pinned area. Also look at the FAQ pin in the nano section. It's has extensive answers to the questions you ask and most are answered in the FAQ's. We want to help you out. I'll give you a starting foundation, then, come back and post here what you came up with for a plan:

1) glass tank.....clean it out first and/or disinfect it
2) live rock
3) live sand, aragonite
4) heater
5) powerheads
6) you don't need a filter unless you are going to use it to store your filter media in

A fish only system works better as FOWLR, fish only with live rock. Stay away from UGF's. Go to the pins now, read up, and scribble down a plan sheet. What size tank, calculate your live rock and live sand needs (it's all in there), research the fish you want. Post back and we can begin to chip away at it with you.


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