

New Member
Feb 9, 2004
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Can I use sea salt crystals? they are naturally formed with no additives?

What fish don't like salt?
Hi, Ryan!
I went looking for aquarium salt a month or two ago, after reading all the comments about it being so good for mollies. Stopped in a wonderful lfs, specializing in salt water tanks. The owner told me I couldn't use the reef salt, I'd have to buy regular aquarium salt. I ended up finding a carton of Doc Wellfish's aquarium salt at another store.

However, from what I've learned on these forums, you mustn't use it if you have plecos or cories in the tank. (Which I do) I'm not sure what other species do not like salt, but hope that helps some. :)
Its it dependant on the concentration that you use? I've read that 1/4 teaspoon won't harm any fish
As long as it's aquarium salt, not the ordinary salt we use daily. Scaleless fish is not salt-tolerant so I don't recommend putting salt in.
I heard that you can use normal salt as long as it is not iodated salt. Is this true ? It it true about pleco's and salt ? Acording to my LFS it won't harm any fish unless they are scaleless
And a pl*co is scaleless :) Really don't go through the bother of stressing your cories/plecs unecessraly. Why are you putting salt in anyway, Is it really necessary. (unless you have mollies).
My lfs hyped up how good salt is for the freshwater tank and I fell for it, but now I really don't see a need for it unless you have brackish fish. You could add a pinch or two if you want to put electrolytes into the water, but otherwise it creates a mess with your filter, stresses most catfish, and can raise pH.
thanks for coming back to me

I haven't added any salt to the tank yet. I was just enquiring into whether I should or shouldn't. But you have answered all my questions regarding that, thanks

I didn't know that Pleco's are scaless. You learn something new everyday. :)


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