I received mine from you on the 24th December which is ridiculous for the post. Needless to say they didn't survive, I have been nurturing them over Christmas and had them in a seperate bowl with loads of nutrients but they haven't survived. I would like to buy a coupld more as they looked like lovely plants just gutted about the post! Do you still have any left?
Oh dear, postie has let us down again. Fortunately still have some to spare. Shall send you another 7 plants on Monday (these will be 1-2 inches across).
This will be the third portion I'm sending you as I accidently sent one portion to your official paypal address too. Someone upstairs doesn't want you to have Amazon Frogbit!!!
These plants don't really need to be supplied with loads of additional nutrients. A reasonably stocked tank should generate enough nutrients for the frogbit. Give them lots of light and make sure the upper parts of the leaves aren't submerged.