Rye's Fishless Cycle

Day 35

AM - Amm: 0, Ni: 0

PM - PH: 7.2 (yay), Amm: 0, Ni: 0, NA: ~20

Do i need to do a water change to lower the Nitrates?

My heater has decided to almost cook my fish at 28C :/ It dropped to below 20C yesterday so i turned it up a touch, now i have turned the heater down and now just waiting for the water to cool. Need to find the in-between again

ETA: how long after adding the fish should i be expecting Ammonia and nitrites to show?
i moved it a tiny bit and its at about 25C now

Didn't get to test this morning, had a lot on and had to be out the door by 7
Tonights test:
PH: 7.4, Amm: 0, Ni: 0, Na: 20
will it be safe to get another two fish next week if my stats are fine?
No, I was just confused as to why the log keeps saying you're dosing and the ammonia on the graph keeps going up and down. I'm probably missing something...
I have updated my first post to cover the last few days. Been too busy to update. I was naughty and bought two more fish yesterday, which i am not going to regret because the first two are a heck of a lot happier now that there is more in the tank.

this morning there is a slight reading of ammonia at 0.25, so water changes are going to occur. I can handle it ;)
i am really sick today so my tests have been really random and not on time

This morning:
PH: 7.4, Amm: 0, Ni: 0, Na: 20

This afternoon:
PH: 7.4, Amm: o, Ni: 0, Na: 20
thanks WD
supposed to be at the dentist tomorrow but i dont think i will make it - what a shame ey ;)

I forgot to mention that i stuck a black plastic bag to the back of the tank today. It seems to have calmed the fish down a bit and they aren't hiding around the back as much. I got some cool pictures of them too. I think the spherical shape of the tank and being exposed all the way around was freaking them out.
it is pretty much a fish bowl rofl
It's in the corner of the room but there was light in the corner from a window next to the tank.

this mornings tests:
Amm: 0, Ni: 0

not doing too bad

Most reactions
