Rye's 125L Tank

Tank looks fabulous. But check your circulation. You got a dropchecker? Shift it to the parts of the tank where you see algae to check the distribution there. No point in pumping CO2, if it's not going all over the tank. In my 8g, I aimed for a double "infinity sign" pattern of tiny bubbles that move across the tank. When the tank was first setup, you could really see the pattern.

I love the look, though, great job. I think another member had like 4ft of vallis though, don't remember. The stuff is a weed and grows long. :lol:

Ive been trying to place the diffuser so that its pumping bubbles around the whole tank but even though its on full power and my betta gets blown around, its still struggling. Ive spent the past week moving the diffuser around to get an idea of how things are going aswell. I was searching on the internet last night trying to find a cheap mini elite filter so i could have the Co2 at both sides of the tank, with one bottle attached to each. I may still go with that plan aswell as the spray bar, but im not sure yet...
Still haven't had the time to get a new spray bar for the tank. Im off college wednesday afternoon for a week and a half so ill probably get it fixed then.

All my neon tetra's died out this weekend :/ I feel kinda bad saying that i didn't want to up their numbers because i didn't like them, then one gets sick and they all drop like flies.

So, a re-stock is in order. Ive decided to go colourful, because the tank looks rather green/yellow so i think fish should stand out really nicely. I am going on holiday next week so i'll think about it after then :)

ETA: Been advised not to stock my tank for four months due to the neon's dying.. which majorly sucks. guess i will get fish for my birthday in february then :/
I harp on and on about patience being a virtue in this hobby. Well advised and you'll be better for it waiting pal. Think of the positives, it gives you ages to research all the potential fish you can add and find a real beaut your dead certain to love!
haha there isnt really much that can go in. i had decided what i wanted to go in and was about to go and get them. stupid neon tetra's. i know they are a popular fish but why?!
well nothing is happening in my tank until february lol. i cant even give my cherry barb away now because i can't get any more. argh!!! :angry:
ETA: Been advised not to stock my tank for four months due to the neon's dying.. which majorly sucks. guess i will get fish for my birthday in february then

Who advised that and did they explain why? Sounds like someone giving out some dodgy false advice to me.

If I'm not mistaken you have a mature filter so cycling isn't an issue even without plants. Oh and you have a heavily planted tank so it isn't an issue anyway. why would you need to wait for four months? Does the advisor know what the cause of death is that is unknown to the rest of us?

ETA: Been advised not to stock my tank for four months due to the neon's dying.. which majorly sucks. guess i will get fish for my birthday in february then

Who advised that and did they explain why? Sounds like someone giving out some dodgy false advice to me.

If I'm not mistaken you have a mature filter so cycling isn't an issue even without plants. Oh and you have a heavily planted tank so it isn't an issue anyway. why would you need to wait for four months? Does the advisor know what the cause of death is that is unknown to the rest of us?


It is suspected Neon Tetra Disease. I may just get the Rams and hold out on getting any cyprinids (the cherry barbs and other shoalers) for a while (my other fish seem fine so far though, and were fine the last time the disease effected my neons).

Driving test in exactly one week! Im arranging a trip over to Darlington next Saturday to a shop that i believe sells fish. It sells reptiles and such, so im guessing it will. All on condition of me passing my test though :lol: Going to get the carpeting plants then and a new spray bar too. I gave a load of plants to college yesterday, but it hasn't really changed anything within the tank
So it has been decided that i am not getting any fish until January atleast. One of my pet rats passed away on Wednesday night after an emergency run to the vets and i am heart broken :( It has cost me an arm and a leg aswell so i can't afford fish anyways. I passed my driving test yesterday (first time and only two minors, go me haha :lol: ) and im having a practise run up to college. Theres a maidenhead nearby so i think i will take a peek and see if i can get the carpet plants
i have loads of crazy algae going on atm. Its mostly down to the Co2 and circulation in my tank (must remember to look for a spray bar today, i got lost on the way to the garden centre yesterday and never made it :rolleyes: ). I checked the Nitrate levels last night and they are at 80 :crazy: so im carrying out a 30L water change today - the largest bucket i have and i can't change too much because of inverts - and another one tomorrow. Hopefully it will lower it, but i'll keep carrying out the waterchanges until its ~15. It will cause havoc with the Co2 again but im hoping it will help kill off some algae too

i believe i have staghorn, BBA and some other filamentous algae is covering my breeder trap

a lot of the plants are covered in patches of the algae
i did a massive waterchange yesterday that didn't even touch the nitrates. i think its going to be a long week and my nitrate test kit is almost empty :crazy:

i accidently put too much water in the tank yesterday (its not exactly level apparently) and had water dripping down the back of the tank all day without noticing until last night before i was on my way out the door. trying to syphon out a few litres of water quickly whilst your all dolled up isn't easy lol. i had a massive panic thinking that there was a leak in the sides but luckily there wasnt

the silly spray bar i have wont stick to the back of the tank and it keeps causing too much movement on the surface of the tank. its driving me insane. i also went to two shops yesterday to find a new spray bar and i couldn't get one. Im going to try maidenhead on my way home tomorrow from uni before i resort to buying online.

what else....
my stupid second bottle of Co2 has leaked yet again, so ive just had to make a new lid for it. hopefully it will be air tight. its messing with the Co2 levels too much in the tank which isn't helping with the algae. im still waiting for the pressure to build back up again and for it to pump bubbles into the tank. if it doesn't.. im going to crack up :lol:

i picked up a pot of... "hemianthus callitrichoides" yesterday. it was the only thing that looked like it would create a carpet. im glad now, after a quick google search, that it looks like it will :lol: ill upload pics when it looks like its starting to spread if my catfish will leave it alone long enough

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