
Fish Fanatic
Jun 10, 2004
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the baby hamsters that i have are 2 weeks old today. tonight i realized there is a runt. he is really really much smaller than the others. the mom doesnt notice when he leaves the nest. when she does she brings him back. he has a bit of a bite mark on his tail that mom tends to lick every now and then. he has tiny legs, his head isn't quite porportion with his body. he wont eat the celery or carrots lke the other ones eat. he cant' see yet. i dont think any of them can just yet but he doesnt look like his eyes are even starting to appear. he has a hard time walking around. very very very tiny. i'm getting worried... what is going to happen and what should i do? i can't find ANY webpages about hamster runts...
if anyone can find somethin or share something, please do

thanks... :dunno:

Where is the mother of all of them they are so cute when they are little......Do you have a picture of the Mother and father....
here is the mommy


she was over eating when i took that picture. she doesnt cover them up no more when she leaves. they are adorable... but im still worried about the runt...

i dont have a good pic yet of the daddy.. he is always sleeping haha but i will see if i can get one tonight!!! keep checking
we can't get a final count just yet but my friend tried to count them three times last night... she got 12, then 13, then 12 again.. hopefully have a final count soon!!!! i am going to clean out the cage this weekend coming up so I will know then.!!
we have 11 hamster babies!!!
it was 12... but the runt is missing... and there was a little blood spot on one of the shavings so I figured that the mom knew it was sick, or he died...and got rid of him herself. It is gross but I guess thats nature right. And at least he is not suffering.
we cleaned the cage out last night and final count is 11!!!! hope that number doesnt change.
OH! I am sorry to hear about the little runt. Thats one of the toughest things in nature.

Hopefully the others will all grow up healthy and strong! :flex:
the little babies are doing great. last night i still had a count of 11.. so thats good. i will probably see them tonight and hopefully get a picture or two!!! iw ill definately post them here and on my other "Hamster babies" thread!!!!
they are adorable and im going to cry when i give them away :(
Glad to hear things are still going well! Can't wait to see the pics......Now if only my kitty would have her kittens! It seems like it is taking FOREVER! :rolleyes:

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