Rummy Nose Tetras


Sep 29, 2012
Reaction score
England, UK
a surprise from the hubby..... :crazy:

a few facts please.....or correct me if im wrong....

schooling fish? how many is a minimum amount? corys friends?? temp...25(ish)?? i know they are sensetive to water chemistry but what does this messing with ph etc?? and lastly...what section on here do they come under?
Yes they can be a schooling fish
I'd keep 8+
Corys will be fine with them
Temp 23 - 26C
Sensitive = They don't do well in a new fish tank (tank must be cycled)
Ok well my tank is 25 degrees, it has 3 corys and so far i have 2 get some more next weekend, my tank is cycled fully and has been for a few week now....thanks....
Please will those involved keep your responses civalized or I will have to lock the thread, as it is... i have removed the offending posts.
I have ten in my 65l with pygmy cories and a krib, which i moved in today. Rummynoses are great, they school tightly and i have never had any problems with them, despite going into a newly cycled set up.
Please will those involved keep your responses civalized or I will have to lock the thread, as it is... i have removed the offending posts.
Missed all the fun by the looks of it.....ah well, thanks fir keeping the thread civilised.

I have ten in my 65l with pygmy cories and a krib, which i moved in today. Rummynoses are great, they school tightly and i have never had any problems with them, despite going into a newly cycled set up.
Looking into a few more and deffo thinking of that krib! Bit excited to get the schools upto number and get that krib!!!
If you do want to go with the krib, make sure you get a cave it can make its home.

As someone said in the other thread you might get a more aggressive krib so its worth spending a bit of time watching them at the lfs and choosing an individual! I must say, that's not my experience except with inappropriate tank-mates like guppies, and others have had great success in community set ups, with aggression reserved for breeding behaviour which wont be a problem with a single krib. Tetras are too quick for them to go for so make a good tankmate, they also act as a dither fish.

Make sure everyone has room to hide (bogwood) if necessary, which also breaks up the lines of sight. It also makes the tank look nice.
Ill deffo research the krib but for now its the shoals i want to get up a bit higher, the 2 rummynoses seem to have bright red noses now, they looked a little faded yesterday?? Is this normal im asuming its a good sign? Theyre very moving short sure they didnt do that in the lfs.......
They are settling in, given them a while and they will be ok. Once you have more they will be even happier. Red noses are a good sign, think of them like a canary in a mine! If the nose fades something is amiss in the tank.
They will settle in properly after a few weeks. I think a good option would be getting some more rummynose.
ive got another 2 rummy noses next weekend and another (fake) julli on order at the lfs...this time next week my tank will be looking more lively!! :) and be halfway to being fully stocked!!

the 2 rummy noses are venturing around the tank a little more :) they fed this morning too...i think theyre settling in nicely! im so pleased...theyre kinda cute...:wub:

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