Row Over Fish In Urinal

haha!! just imagine been called mr wang! no wonder he's put fish in the toilet! he got picked on at school :rolleyes:

whats happened/happening with the fish then?? or does no one know...
actually kribensis Dark Entity is right.

I believe someone of the forum wrote an article about how human urine doesn't contain ammonia and therefore is no good peeing in your tank to cycle it.
there is no ammonia in urine. simple as that really. urine does contain urea, as already stated, which is alot less toxic than ammonia.
unless bacteria is contained in urine, such as bladder infections or after its been left on a wall or in a bus shelter :sick: , the urea can then be broken down and ammonia is a product of this... hence the stale smell
urine can contain alsorts of things from leucocytes, nitrates, blood , wide ph ranges, glucose, proteins, etc

i analyse peoples urine as part of my job everyday and ive seen some of these levels of the range so it can be extremely toxic to fish! :sick:
i kno lol its like arrrggghh!! chemicals :crazy:

lol lets just call it wee! and call this horrible restraunt disgusting :sick:

i bet people have played games as well! :unsure: like pee on the biggest
Regardless of what urine contains, I still think it is morally wrong, Next they will be putting puppies and kittens in baskets for people to have a wizz on.
why why why why. i don't get it why would you wanna do that ???? seems pretty sick to me :crazy: :crazy:

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