Rosie Red Minnows


Fish Fanatic
Dec 30, 2006
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Augusta, Georgia
Does anyone else have rosie red minnows? My kids brought a couple home in Oct. from the school carnival. They are active little fish. The stores here sell them as feeders for twelve cents each. I'd be interested in any comments others may have. Thanks.
I have about 35 right now, as feeders, however, they don't get eaten and get to eat etc before getting eaten. What size tank do you have? Alone, or kept in small numbers, I find they aren't nearly as interesting as when kept in larger groups. Anytime I purchase feeders, and I get 10, they aren't nearly as interesting as a group over 20-30..
I'm pretty sure they don't produce a ton of waste, I have my 35 in a 10g with an african clawed frog, (what eats them), and they seem like pretty clean fish. I would really recommend though, to do a bear bottom aquarium, no rocks or anything, really makes their color stand out and they look so much nicer.
If your really into them pick up a cheap 10-20g somewhere and get a bunch, very interesting and don't get any credit.
We have 2 of them in a 1.5 gal. "tank" with an air stone and dark colored granite rock substrate. Their pinkish color stands out against the darker rocks. I made them some small caves with the rocks and they took to them immediately. I change 50% of the water 2-3 times a week. I feed them one crushed goldfish flake daily and they seem to do fine. Less food means less waste. What are you feeding yours? There is a plan to move them to a "real" tank with a filter.

I wonder if I could safely add 1 ghost shrimp? Comments anyone?
I used to have a couple in a 3.5 gal tank, but since they are generally bred for feeders (or apparently bait fish in the UK, since feeders are illegal), they were poor stock. One died within a few days(always looked ill) and the other lived on his own in that tank very well until he died when i moved him into my bigger tank (maybe just the shock?).
They are one of the fish i plan on getting when my 50 gal is set up.
Hi, Yes a larger tank would be great for them, and then you could have a nice group of them! I don't really see a problem with having a ghost shrimp in it, I know people will be like " your overstocked ", but I'm one that finds that in a lot of cases, the 1 inch of fish per gallon is worthless. I've never used that rule in my life. I'm also feeding mine crushed goldfish flakes, very entertaining to watch them eat, they all swim up as fast as they can and rip flakes up etc, great fun to watch!
Three Fingers, just watch out, they are commonly known to carry parasites and diseases, I'd isolate them for 2 weeks while running some meds through them just in case, you never know what you have in the little guys. ;)

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