rocks from the yard


Michelle's Hot
May 3, 2004
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im getting rocks from my yard to put in my tank for the jewels, but im not 100 percent sure as of how to know they will be fine. i soaked them, over night, and will be doing a V...... test. (cant spell the word). But what else should i know before i put them in the tank. I kinda want to do it buy Friday, as I need to be moving some fish around, and i dont want the jewels to kill eachother because of no hiding places.

just boil them to kill any unwanted nasties.
Hi wrs

I use rocks that I find too, but after scrubbing them to remove soil and surface dirt, I boil them for 20 minutes or so. If there is any scummy or oily residue on top when it is finished however, I throw them away.

When using rocks that have been found lying on or near the surface, it is not just bacteria that you have to worry about, there is also chemical pollution that might have settled on them. I wouldn't use any I found on the side of the road, for example, but ones found at a construction site or on a beach would probably be safe. The ones from your yard might or might not be OK, depending on how developed your neighborhood is.
along with boiling ive been told to pour vinager on the rocks, and if it bubbles then the rocks have too much calcium...dont know if thats accurate or not but hope it helps
Vinegar isn't always strong enough. If you have a nitrate test kit, use a few drops from bottle 1, it's hydrochloric acid.
thanks for bringing up the chemical part inchworm. my dad sprays tick spray around the yard. the rabbits from the woods eat it, and most dont die(one did, but we think it was from the fox, or cyotes) and the girls, my cats, dont die from eating the grass, but im not sure i want top risk it. one girl jewel is starting to show some real nice color.
Insecticides are extremely toxic to all aquatic life. Just look at the warning on a can of fly spray or ant powder.

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