Rob's 3X2X2

Hmmm I know the one in whitminster as its just passed my house I sense a slight diversion on my way home tonight :)

Might pop into Real Reefs again but last time I was there they were more intrested in looking at photos than helping me :no:
Hmmm I know the one in whitminster as its just passed my house I sense a slight diversion on my way home tonight :)

Might pop into Real Reefs again but last time I was there they were more intrested in looking at photos than helping me :no:

Popped in to the whitminster one nothing grabbed me.

Grabbed my sump from matt today looks like he has sorted out a new Zoa supply ended up with 3 new zoa frags :)

Seen a stunning bit of rainbow Acan but a bit pricey for me :)
glad you found some nice bits.

got my LED array today (the missus had to go down to stonehouse to pick it up though!).

have fitted it over the sump. its not nearly as bright as i was expecting. only time will tell whether its any good or not.
totally different to having a 36w power compact light over it.
Thought it time to do a bit of an update (apologies for the pic overload!! if you're on 56k you may be waiting some time!)

First up the bad news.
The flasher wrasse is no more. For the past couple of weeks its been more reclusive than usual and only taking small amounts of food. I've not seen it at all for quite some time now so i can only assume its gone to the big aquarium in the sky. I get the feeling it was quite old, as it came to me looking tired anyways.

The scolly is not looking good at all! after the first night it looked like this:


and hasn't got any better (nor has it got worse though). however i have seen the dot-dash blennie pecking at it which won't be helping!

The zoas i got in the week are ok-ish......

they came like this with next to no water with them:


only 5-6 polyps have come out so far but in time i'm hoping the others may be ok as well.

now for the good stuff!

the other new additions last week are looking very nice.
the palys:


the zoas:

the acan:

the lobo:


and my other stock is looking good as well.
the hysterix:


My LED array also came so i set that up in the sump:




and got a little LED unit for lighting when i want to see what i'm doing:

finally the FTS shots:


how long the tank is gonna look like this i'm not sure, as we are in the process of finding a house to move to. This will involve taking this setup apart (how, i dont know as the plumbing joints are solvent welded!) and putting it into a large koi quarantine style vat for a bit.
anyways thats a game i'm not looking forward to at all!

Those new palys are blinding mate.and love the new disco lights,lol...

My aussie scoly went the same way..slowly bleaching over several weeks and I lost it about 3 months after buying it..already bleached when i bought it but at £40 i couldn't resist it....try it somewhere shady and out of direct flow for a while

Love the zoa garden and see your mushies, like mine are spreading too well almost..they will try to choke out your zoas if left unchecked
thankfully not had any problems between the mushies and zoas yet. they are next to each other in a few places and so far are not attacking one another.
As for the scolly its been moved under the cave out of teh direct light and has only light to moderate flow over it now.
we'll have to see if it recovers or not. it was only under the halide for 2 hours that first evening but straight away it started shedding mucus. i just thought it was getting used to my tank conditions but oi guess not!
Shame about the flasher Rob.

Scoly could be ok once settled, may have took a beating being at the fish store for so long.

Tank is looking stunning Rob, very very nice.

I would advise vats, loads of buckets, some cloth to mop up after and some strong men to help. I kind of helped (andrew helped lift) strip a 4x2x2.5 down today, if your organised and know where everything is going, it can be a huge help, then get as many hands together as possible.

Did you not leave any joints unwelded in case it needed to come down?? You may need to cut in a strategic place where you can later rejoin.
yeah cutting and rejoining i think is the only way. didn't leave any unwelded joints as i didn't want leaks! (more fool me!)

the plan is to decant everything into the vat after the house is empty (we rent at the mo, so intend to keep the house for a while after we buy the new one to make the move easier and do it over a few days/weeks).
The tank can then be postioned in the new house and any extra plug sockets can be put in before it is set up. the vat and its contents will then get moved on one hellish! day to the new house.
sorry about the flasher Rob :sad: but loving those Palys, give us a shout if you ever have a frag :good:

A house move and a tank move, you know how to give yourself a heart attack don't you!

seffie x
on seffies advice i thought i should update this thread a bit!

not much has changed since the last pics really. i've added a pair of bangaii cardinals, which the long nosed hawk took a distinct dislike to. its all settled down now but was havoc for 4-5 days:


have also added a bi-colour angel recently. have been looking around for a centre peice fish for a while and this one really stood out when we saw it:


quick update on the scolly; after it faded back to its skeleton straight after i got it, i put it in the sump so that the blennie couldn't pick at it, but to be honest i thought it was a gonna. well its back, remarkable really as its only under those blue and red LEDs! i've now got a small LED desk lamp over it during the day to provide some white light and am feeding it every two days.:


its still got its colour to come back but at least its puffed up nicely!

some of you may remember that i got some duncans a couple of months back and they shrunk right back to their skeleton:


well they are still alive and although not as good as when i first bought them they are poking their heads out every day now.

The house move is still going ahead, and i'm planning for a change in the setup. I plan on adding another tank to the system in between the main display and the current sump. this third tank will be behind a wall and will be a 3 x 1.5 x 1.5. most of the live rock from the main display is gonna go in here along with a frag rack over the top and then be lit with T5s. The main display is going to be opened up alot more to provide a large sand bed area for my fungia and catalaphylia to go on. then macro algae will grow between them. My LPS and zoas will then grow all over the fake live rock i used as a base originally.
I'm also going to sell my 400w MH and replace it with an Eco-Lamp KR-91 LED unit. i went to see these in the flesh down at weston super mare and they really are great units with just one power plug and integrated timers.

well that just about brings this system up to date i think..........ok just for you, the latest FTS and side shot:



I don't really know what to say except omg :drool: it's looking even more amazing and I didn't think that was possible.

Real glad the long nosed hawk has a bit of savvy about him and gave those cardinals a run for their money, although even I have to admit they look great in your tank and the Bi angel, just lovely. I have been looking at those lately, so will wait to see how you get on :good:

As Rob knows I have nominated his tank for Novemember tank of the month, so don't forget to vote when the time comes and just a cheeky little reminder to vote this month, obviously I wouldn't dream of asking you to vote for my choice :p but I nominated Jennybugs tank for October :devil:

Seffie x

ps looking forward to hearing all about the lights Rob :good: and the new tank - you sure you going to have time with that little juvie on it's way

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