Ripped fin- again!

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Fish Fanatic
Mar 31, 2021
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Okay, so- the ripped fin that my betta had beforehand didn't completely close, yet I believe there is some fin growth if I'm correct.
Now there's a new fin rip. I feel terrible. I believe it was caught somewhere behind the sponge filter because nothing happened ever since I removed it. I placed it back again thinking it was OKAY and today I find another fin ripped. My ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates are fine, I also do water changes weekly.

I need help with regrowing the ripped fin. I feed Blueberry Hikari, Fluval Bug Bites, and frozen bloodworms.
Is there anything I can do? I have API stress coat- how much should I add into the tank and how often? Could I buy anything?
Also, Blueberry shares a 10 gallon with my other betta, Pearl (there's a black barrier with small holes separating them) so would it be fine to add in any medication or something like that?

Here are my readings if any of them need improving:
Nitrate: 0-20 ppm
Nitrite: 0 ppm
Ammonia: 0.5 ppm
PH: 6.2? (It's hard to tell when comparing it, though I think it may be too acidic. How should I fix this?)
Chlorine: 0
Hardness (GH): 75
KH: 0? (I'm not sure. The test strip was half and half in color. I will retest the water soon and confirm.)

I'm also not sure if Blueberry has fin rot. There is some whiteish/grey growth on the ends. (could that be fin rot or just the fin growing back?)
BTW Blueberry's coloring is a blueish black so IDK if that affects anything.
Blueberry is active, eating, and he doesn't seem bothered.
Please help! :(
I am not sure, do you have a hospice tank? I personally would move the fish to another tank just to be safe. also, could you take a picture?
I am not sure, do you have a hospice tank? I personally would move the fish to another tank just to be safe. also, could you take a picture?

I don't have a hospital tank sadly. :(
I will attach a photo later on. Thank you for your reply.
Pearl is healthy with no fin damage at all, I'm not sure whether or not fin rot is contagious but I hope not.

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