Restocking Done, But It Doesn't Look Good On Paper.


Fish Herder
Jul 21, 2006
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Well, since the eel died, I decided to do my final stocking on the 38

38 Gallon, heavily planted. wisteria, one large mystery plant, 3 onions, Val, Brazilian pennywort, one cool hitch hiker plant that came with the big mystery plant, one cool plant that's made tons of mini plants, and one Aponogeton Olvacous

anyways, the new stocking has stirred up a bit of t-r-o-u-b-l-e, but it should calm down soon.

the new guys
1x African butterfly Fish
4x Emerald green cory (Brochis Splendens)

the old guys
1x Senegal Bichir (albino, alfred)
1x Krib
1x L260 (queen arabesque Pleco)
1x Clown pleco
1x Elephant nose
2x Peacock eel
1x Vampire/Camaroon Shrimp

Here's what I'm mainly worries about

A: alfred the Senegal is already trying to eat the ABF. he's eaten one before, but it was about half this ones size. I'm worried that he may eventually get him down.

B: the cory cats are hyperactive. this at first tressed out the elephant nose, but he;s stopped headbutting them out of his territory, realizing they're harmless. The krib hasn't fully calmed down

C: bioload. I know I was streching it before. But with weekly 25% water changes, and such large amounts of planting, it should be okay, right? The eel is gone, so that's why I took the chance to put these in. It is a net 38 gallons of water, which seems small. These new guys can Just as easily go back in the 10 if it's too much, But i wanna test water weekly and see how it goes too.

just like some honest opinions. don't get into flamming or anything, as they can go back, be calm and explain any reasoning for or against it.
update: thanks to phlumpus, I realized I had more means of filtration

The whisper 30 has been hooked up in addition to the aquaclear 50. Now my filtration should be adequate. any other responses?
just a single glow lite and a khuli

isn;t that what it says in the profile?

ah, it didn't say so. but that was the move as I said earlier. I'll change it now.
out of curiousity, why did you decide to move fish from the 10g to the 38g?

if you're insecure about your ABF's safety, you could put him in the 10g (although there's a good chance of him eating the glowlight tetra)
the glow lite tetra issue has been brought up again and again...

Honestly, I don't think it'll happen. they were together over a month. that tetra's survived in the 10 with the senegal. I honestly, in all due respect, believe the pair works. Every rule has exceptions.

Hmmmm. The senegal has calmed down. I think he realizes this one may be too hard to chew and has given up hopefully. The krib is trying to swim around with the brochis, almost like a shoal, always trailing behind them.

There are no fish fish problems so far as everything is calming down. If this ABF stay well, I may get 1 more, as they have no preferance on up top company I hear, and the Surface area should be enough for 2, provided the filtration of a whisper 30 combined with an aquaclear 50 is good enough, combine with the heavy planting?

and I felt to move them to reconsider the 10's stockings, and add lively fish to the 38, as it was "too calm" in my opinion. Brochis really liven it up.

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