I rescaped my 20 gallon long as the terrible seachem flourite substrate wasn't providing nutrients for my plants. This is my DIRTED 29 gallon with amazing results only with in the first week. Most plants were reused. Still amazing results. Plant list: Lots of crypts, S repens, Crinum Natans, Crinum Thaianum, pearlweed, rotala indica, anubias azfeli, there's lots of plants. That's only a few. I originally had a red apongetons that I had shipped from Africa among the other crinum and anubias but the apongetons died. Not because of the dirt but just on the flight over. Here is a pic of the tank. What should I put in the back left corner? I have a crinum thaianum in the way back and I want something big and bushy to blend in the driftwood. I was thinking maybe some kind of apongetons or amazon sword. Any big plants to put there? Thanks
Also any general tips on how I should move things or add things? This will be my main tank in my room so a budget isn't really a problem. I reused a lot of old stuff so I mainly need to add some rocks or driftwood.
Also any general tips on how I should move things or add things? This will be my main tank in my room so a budget isn't really a problem. I reused a lot of old stuff so I mainly need to add some rocks or driftwood.