Rescaped My 35L Badis Tank - Inspired By Wills

The glassfish will love it in there with the Badis; Pygmy Cories; Cherry Shrimp... I bet they are settling in already ;)
The glassfish will love it in there with the Badis; Pygmy Cories; Cherry Shrimp... I bet they are settling in already ;)

They didn`t take long to come out into the open, I expected them to stay hidden for a while. They wolfed down some bloodworm so they`re obviously not too stressed to eat :hyper: :lol:
I really, really like these little guys and girls :wub: :wub:

Some pics I`ve managed to get so far:

Great to see them looking happily fed in there on the first evening!

How are they interacting with their new tankmates?

Here is that video clip I took of them this morning, in case you missed my random placement in your "slate" thread, they tend to have a curious interaction with each other...
Loving the tank a lot, gotta say the tree looks amazing and doesn't look man made either so well done with that. If it were mine I would re-arrange the rocks and the Riccia pads, maybe so the edges are in the substrate so they don't look perfectly square then with those few changes the tank would look so natural. Maybe even disturb the substrate a little to so its not perfectly flat, but thats just me I love the natural look. Again tho that tree is stunning, may have to get some Mopani, trim my Christmas Moss and get another nano now lol. :) :) :)
Love the clip Goat :good: :good:

I took a video of them earlier but haven`t uploaded it yet, I`ll try and remember to do it later on though. They do interact really well, they`re quite comically cute :wub:
They haven`t even sniffed at the Badis, shrimps or pygmy`s, they just seem so laid back and chilled. The male Badis had a good look around them earlier but doesn`t seem bothered by them at all.
Sadly one of my female Badis was poorly and I had to ask hubby to put her out of her misery earlier on :sad:

Anyway, I`ll keep updating on the Glassfish :)

Thanks steve, I`m still not 100% on the 'tree', hubby likes it though apparently :lol:
I`ll move a few bits around in there, it usually takes me a little while to get there and be happy with my tanks :rolleyes: :blush:

Carl...... :p :p :p ;) :lol: :lol:
Sorry to hear that female Badis got worse after you telling me about her at Cadnam :(

Are you tempted to order another female or two from Kesgrave, perhaps with a pair of Clown Killis? There's even a 5cm Frontosa on there for your Tang setup, if you wanted something "constructive" to boost the order up and make full use of the standard shipping charge by combining several purchases ;)

Have to confess I've been drooling over those Pagoda Snails for months now, speaking of which, I forgot all about asking you if you fancied a baby Rabbit Snail or two (my group that were with the Glassfish have been breeding like rabiits this summer, perhaps this is the real reason for their common name and not the slow hop movement!
). If you do, I could always bring some along to the next Hampsire forum members meet with doresy and perhaps Hamfist too (who lives in North Baddesley).

Both Laura and I are already missing the little glassfish, they were great to watch doing their "start-stop" darting around the 620T next to the TV, but I'm happy that they have gone to a lovely scaped nano tank for them.

Incidentally, the "hidden" Golden Kuhlis were not so hidden all afternoon and evening yesterday, they were "looping" all around the tank with "Mr Stumpy" watching their dance! Really bizarre but good that they did that after the glassfish had moved out, as they have always been "flat-sharing" with them.
The Glassfish are still doing fine and they`re still cute and entertaining :wub: :wub:

I`ve taken the 'Tree' out of the tank as the moss just wasn`t growing at all, I`ve replaced it with some bogwood as I decided to keep my clown plec in the 35L instead of trading him in at MA or selling him.

love the tank and the fish :wub:

are the badis really shy?

Thanks Beth :)

Yes the Badis are quite shy. Unfortunately one of the female badis died and since then the other female and the male seem to be together all the time but out of sight more than they were before :huh:
:( i'm sorry x

maybe they take a while to settle, could be more bold when they mature?
love the tank and the fish :wub:

are the badis really shy?

Thanks Beth :)

Yes the Badis are quite shy. Unfortunately one of the female badis died and since then the other female and the male seem to be together all the time but out of sight more than they were before :huh:
Thats a shame. Do you know why she died?
Thats a shame. Do you know why she died?

No idea, she started to stay at the bottom of the tank, although she was still swimming around at times she wouldn`t eat anything. I did a good water change but two days later she died :sad:
The other female and the male are fine no signs of any problems with them at all, in fact the male has spent more time with the female that`s left and his colouring has come out even more now.
lol were having the same bad luck, a few days ago, my Male Scarlet Badis died and he wasn't eating :sad: :angry: :)
Thanks kiriyama :)

I`ve had a look at some pics of the frogbit and have bought some off of a Seller on ebay. I reckon it`ll look nice with long roots coming down into the tank :good:

Amazon Frogbit looks amazing!! I had it growing like wild fire in myoldRio 180, wish I had used my brain and sold some!! I had leaves up to 50p size.

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