Reply To Worst Tank Ever. (look At This Its Sick)


Fish Crazy
Nov 4, 2006
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I saw this video on youtube, just thought I should show you guys what a real overstocked tank looks like.
one medium discus 2 angle fish 30 schooling fish 2 clown loaches and a glass cat fish thats just what i could see in 30 seconds anyway.

this is just plain crule... even if you some how managed to keep the water safe... poor fish

what do you guys think?

corection theres actauly two discus :sick:
It could just be the lighting, but to my eye, the danios up at the top look DYED. I know there are pinkish danios (in fact pearl danios are my personal favorites) but they're more of a cotton candy/mother of pearl pink, not BRIGHT MAGENTA! And unfortunately, sometimes "gold"/"albino" zebras are sold dyed because their light bodies take color well.... Ugh. That upsets me about as much as the overstocking.
It could just be the lighting, but to my eye, the danios up at the top look DYED. I know there are pinkish danios (in fact pearl danios are my personal favorites) but they're more of a cotton candy/mother of pearl pink, not BRIGHT MAGENTA! And unfortunately, sometimes "gold"/"albino" zebras are sold dyed because their light bodies take color well.... Ugh. That upsets me about as much as the overstocking.

yeah thats just lighting, the worst part is i asked the guy and he said that the tank has been set up for a wile now and the fish are doing fine... i don't know
Now that is definitely an overstocked tank. Even if you took out all of the big fish, it would still be overstocked. :no:
Now that is definitely an overstocked tank. Even if you took out all of the big fish, it would still be overstocked. :no:

yeah way over stocked oh by the way there are 3 discus lmao

I have to admit its a good looking tank though :/ i just feel realy srry for the fish :sick: :X
thats too many in that tank.
porr little fishys :(
and big fishys :(
it bemuses me on several fronts

1. why someone who obviously likes fish to have that many doesn't look after them properly

2. why someone would spend so much money buying all those fish but not buy a big tank....
he must buy a lot of replacements due to illness and stress losses so why not just buy a bigger tank...

3. why he hasn't made the link between what surely must be a heavy loss rate and the number of fish he has, surely its really obvious theres too many in those tanks
i would stock that amount of fish in a 75 or a 100gallon not a 25. but he has some awful combinations in there. Danios and Angelfish spring to mind.
My danios and angels get along fine.
A truly awful situation. Im sure hes hynotized in seconds with that many fish smooching around but some people wont be told. Such a shame ,it must be a tense atmosphere in that tank! :look:

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