You should be able to change the title if you use the full edit button on your original post.
OK! Jimmyringo .... at the 4th attempt, it gave me the oppertunity to set the records straight.... I managed to change the title....
You should be able to change the title if you use the full edit button on your original post.
Lots of members on this forum contribute to helping members with useful information, but that dosent automatically make them mod matieral. Fact is he is now less likley to get modship because you've asked. Those who dont ask come first....
However, "Colin_t" hasn't actually asked to be a mod.Lots of members on this forum contribute to helping members with useful information, but that dosent automatically make them mod matieral. Fact is he is now less likley to get modship because you've asked. Those who dont ask come first....
I think there is a lot of truth in that.
I think it was Lateral Line who once posted in a similar topic
"Those who want to be mods are very rarely suitable." (or something along those lines anyway)
When it comes down to it, and whether we take 10 posts or 10,000 posts to get there, it's William's decision, and that's that.
I wasnt confused, but you were saying that people who ask to be mods, shouldnt, and my point was that he hasnt.Yes, you are correct. I wasn't trying to imply that he had. Just making a point.
Sorry for the confusion.![]()
I wasnt confused, but you were saying that people who ask to be mods, shouldnt, and my point was that he hasnt.Yes, you are correct. I wasn't trying to imply that he had. Just making a point.
Sorry for the confusion.![]()
IMO, someone recommending a mod, can only be a good thing.
1. Great Lakes was a mod in the marine section so how are you going to replace him with colin.
2. What makes you think Colin_T would be a good mod his knowledge isnt that great compared to other people on this forum, you need to look at the bigger picture when taking mods into account like I wouldnt make a good mod as I am to straight to the point and will argue and the "friendly" pact on here wouldnt like that and get upset, saying that im happy as a member. Just because someone either knows the latin name of a fish and can google it and type it on a forum doesnt mean "damn they should be a mod." Most people on here know the same amount of info as everyone else if they have been on here 6 months+ because all the threads are the same. And the majority of which are about community fish you know the people who hang around in tropical chat. The people who specialise in certain fish usually stick to there own areas and dont grace the tropical chat forums as its all about 1" per gallon argument and what can I stock in a 10g or can I add another fish crap. I could spend all day in there repleatedly answering the same questions over and over again and then you would think oooo he should be mod or someone else could do that very thing doesnt make them mod material does it just means they have to much free time on there hands to talk about guppies and gouramis.
I too concur.that
I concur
While I could think of a half dozen members that would make good mods I didn't realize we needed a new moderator. Is there an issue with the moderating of this forum? If there is please let me or another moderator know.
Just to let all of you know your input to this forum is appreciated.![]()