Replaced A Leaking Tank Now All Fish Dying :(

Rich.... strips are useless, go get you some liquid tests...

And Carloski.... you shouldn't try to lecture people about things you have no clue about or just something you over heard from a fish-store guy... Water changes are GOOD for ANY fish ..... Im not trying to say change all your water but even a small amount to sensitive fish is good.... I have what you would call "sensitive or scaleless" fish and they semm to LOOOVE my "big" water changes. If you call 25% a week big. And I do not keep goldfish(too much waste) or tetras (most seem sensitive BUT IM NO EXPERT!) lol .....but I own bichirs , rams, and a few different cats that are classified "sensitive" and they thrive in my "over the top" water changes... I even do atleast 50% a month on top of my 25% weekly just because I love doing "chores" on my tank.... SO ACCORDING TO YOU (carl0ski) ALL MY FISH SHOULD BE DEAD RIGHT? :rofl:

SORRY for all that but C kinda made me mad by recommending bad advice...

Rich.... add twice the dose of prime and some carbon and that should take care of all your possible "contaminents" just like Mr.TOLAK recommended..........
Rich.... strips are useless, go get you some liquid tests...

And Carloski.... you shouldn't try to lecture people about things you have no clue about or just something you over heard from a fish-store guy... Water changes are GOOD for ANY fish ..... Im not trying to say change all your water but even a small amount to sensitive fish is good.... I have what you would call "sensitive or scaleless" fish and they semm to LOOOVE my "big" water changes. If you call 25% a week big. And I do not keep goldfish(too much waste) or tetras (most seem sensitive BUT IM NO EXPERT!) lol .....but I own bichirs , rams, and a few different cats that are classified "sensitive" and they thrive in my "over the top" water changes... I even do atleast 50% a month on top of my 25% weekly just because I love doing "chores" on my tank.... SO ACCORDING TO YOU (carl0ski) ALL MY FISH SHOULD BE DEAD RIGHT? :rofl:

SORRY for all that but C kinda made me mad by recommending bad advice...

Rich.... add twice the dose of prime and some carbon and that should take care of all your possible "contaminents" just like Mr.TOLAK recommended..........

well said that man nothing wrong with large
water changes 50 to 75 % once a month and weekly
25 30 % or fortnightly never did any fish any harm
the more water changes i find brings the fish in to breeding
condition more often and just makes them look overall healthier
I use a liquid test kit normally, the strips I only bought for ph test. But based on all of the results I've posted are things ok?
I use a liquid test kit normally, the strips I only bought for ph test. But based on all of the results I've posted are things ok?

You should not have ANY Nitrites (N02-),,, You should do enough water changes until all traces disappear, and Nitrates (N03+) are a little high but people say it takes TONS of Nitrate to hurt fish unless they're a sensitive variety but water changes will NOT hurt your fish as long as you get the temp. right....Your water is also hard but it just depends on what you are keeping to see if it will have any negative effects... But I thought KH and GH hardness should correspond to each other.. my KH is 9 and GH is 14 ( also very hard )

Rich.... strips are useless, go get you some liquid tests...

And Carloski.... you shouldn't try to lecture people about things you have no clue about or just something you over heard from a fish-store guy... Water changes are GOOD for ANY fish ..... Im not trying to say change all your water but even a small amount to sensitive fish is good.... I have what you would call "sensitive or scaleless" fish and they semm to LOOOVE my "big" water changes. If you call 25% a week big. And I do not keep goldfish(too much waste) or tetras (most seem sensitive BUT IM NO EXPERT!) lol .....but I own bichirs , rams, and a few different cats that are classified "sensitive" and they thrive in my "over the top" water changes... I even do atleast 50% a month on top of my 25% weekly just because I love doing "chores" on my tank.... SO ACCORDING TO YOU (carl0ski) ALL MY FISH SHOULD BE DEAD RIGHT? :rofl:

SORRY for all that but C kinda made me mad by recommending bad advice...

Rich.... add twice the dose of prime and some carbon and that should take care of all your possible "contaminents" just like Mr.TOLAK recommended..........

how dare you speak to me like that
No lecture intended just advice, I don't expect you to agree wiht me but but act with decency
I only shop at proper aquariums I not getting advice from kitten store shops but aquarium stores where i ask how they care for their own fish. Which is what i try to follow 10% a week simple as that.

The only lecturer here is you
I had bad experience with large water change so dont you DARE lecture ME!

The original problem was moving fish from new tank to another which is in this case inherently MORE!! than a 50%-80% water change
are you suggesting this is good practice?
If you had doubt in your own routine from my advice then you have doubt in your own experience and confidence NOT my problem. If a routine was good for your fish it works leave it.

Water changes depend on breed, tank size, quality of filter, type of food and quality of input water.

Here is a small sample that everyone treats their tank water changes different.
However most have 25% weekly as absolute maximum. If your breeds are friendly to this so be it they are not my fish.
our goldfish get i would say
a 50% water change strait of
the cold water tap and nothing has happened to the
they lived in a tank were the water had
never been changed for several years
before we got them and the filter didn't
wasent working as well as soon as
Amanda took over two month later they
spawned and there getting on a bit
at least 6 years we know of

Thats because they are goldfish, they can live in an untreated and unmaintaded outdoor pond. They are not Tanganyikan cichlids
our goldfish get i would say
a 50% water change strait of
the cold water tap and nothing has happened to the
they lived in a tank were the water had
never been changed for several years
before we got them and the filter didn't
wasent working as well as soon as
Amanda took over two month later they
spawned and there getting on a bit
at least 6 years we know of

Thats because they are goldfish, they can live in an untreated and unmaintaded outdoor pond. They are not Tanganyikan cichlids

dont come that with me goldfish or not
whether there out side or not they still need water changes
are you telling me that koi keepers dont do water changes
i have been keeping fish for over 20years plus and as long as water changes
are done fish are happy in the wild mother nature dose big water changes
like flooding i do 25% weekly or fortnightly and a big water change every month or month and a half and yes i have kept riffs and tanganyikans
i have also kept discus angels and marines fish so dont try and tell
me about water changes i use to take me seven hours to do all my water changes and test all my tanks

you can throw as many links up as you
want we were saying large water changes
not stripping down and scrubbing everything
large water changes help control nitrate
were small 10 to 25 % water changes allow the build up and every month a large water
change lowers the amount of nitrate which
is a contributing factor to all forms of algae and is also detrimental to fish health
and with you keeping tanganyikans and riffs should know that they dont have a good tolerance to nitrate
our goldfish get i would say
a 50% water change strait of
the cold water tap and nothing has happened to the
they lived in a tank were the water had
never been changed for several years
before we got them and the filter didn't
wasent working as well as soon as
Amanda took over two month later they
spawned and there getting on a bit
at least 6 years we know of

Thats because they are goldfish, they can live in an untreated and unmaintaded outdoor pond. They are not Tanganyikan cichlids

dont come that with me goldfish or not
whether there out side or not they still need water changes
are you telling me that koi keepers dont do water changes
i have been keeping fish for over 20years plus and as long as water changes
are done fish are happy in the wild mother nature dose big water changes
like flooding i do 25% weekly or fortnightly and a big water change every month or month and a half and yes i have kept riffs and tanganyikans
i have also kept discus angels and marines fish so dont try and tell
me about water changes i use to take me seven hours to do all my water changes and test all my tanks

My comments have all been related to the OP actually problem, avoiding large water changes when introducing fish from old to new tank to reduce the stress.
I do monthly water changes however I let that water sit at 26 deg for a day in a quarantine tank treated with conditioner before I introduce that into the just under half tank water change.

My parents like most parent gave me gold fish in the 80s never even heard of any water treatment we didn't know any different filled the tank with plain tap water drop the fish in they lived for many years. We used to completely empty the tank every couple months including rocks , the gold fish never died until a some yabbies we put in that ate them 5 or so years later.
How can you seriously tell me Gold fish are not relevant example that they don't care how badly you treat them? They are the first fish for beginner because how forgiving they are to lack of knowledge and extreme conditions.

you can throw as many links up as you
want we were saying large water changes
not stripping down and scrubbing everything
large water changes help control nitrate
were small 10 to 25 % water changes allow the build up and every month a large water
change lowers the amount of nitrate which
is a contributing factor to all forms of algae and is also detrimental to fish health
and with you keeping tanganyikans and riffs should know that they dont have a good tolerance to nitrate

The links were mearly to show it is purely disgusting that anyone throw insults at an opinion or personal experience this is a community.
Water change technique is a widely varying diverse topic. Neither mine nor yours is wrong it your choice for your situation.
I was just trying to say that avoiding a full water change would have helped avert death of all his fish
Obviously noone else seems to care about that topic more interesting in throwing insults and looking for an argument.

So you are telling me that contaminated water in an 60-90% water change
which is the actual context all this was made in this thread
Do you believe that the water change and tank change that was done by the original post did not cause or contribute to the problem to kill his fish?
Algae, nitrate, carbon whatever the cause / this wasn't caused or exacerbated by the complete water change to a new tank?
This wasn't introduced from this new water?
basically appears OP did a complete empty and scrub of a tank. Empty Tank -> All New water -> Reintroduce fish -> no wait.

The OP never shared any of this detail about
-how his fish got from one tank to another, nor
-how much water came across with the dirty ornaments from the old tank.
-how he cleaned the new pepples or tank
-how long the water was settled and whether it was conditioned at all.

Where did I say water should never be changed at all? Because I did not
I accept that I need to change less than half the tanks water every month. but 25-50% every 'week' would be too much for me to risk on fish worth more than $5 non training wheel fish ( very hardy fish Goldfish, guppies, Neon/Bloodfin Tetras).

You say large water changes to my knowledge I don't believe a large water change should exceed 50% for sensitive breeds fish.

Are you suggesting I should change 60% of my 26 degree celcius water with my kitchen sinks 10 degree tap water right now?
are you confident my cichlids and gouramis will survive that rapid drop of -10 degrees or more, the change of water mineral and PH content?

Yes I understand that fish can survive a complete water change otherwise how else would you buy new fish to put into your tanks.
You would agree the introduction is done slowly into water that has fish living in it and is known to good safe water.
But this case Fresh water in new tank with no fish is the unknown, the fish ended up dead in this tank.
our goldfish get i would say
a 50% water change strait of
the cold water tap and nothing has happened to the
they lived in a tank were the water had
never been changed for several years
before we got them and the filter didn't
wasent working as well as soon as
Amanda took over two month later they
spawned and there getting on a bit
at least 6 years we know of

Thats because they are goldfish, they can live in an untreated and unmaintaded outdoor pond. They are not Tanganyikan cichlids

you fired the first shot at me i was only
saying a bout large water changes there is nothing
wrong with them that's all i said and yes gold fish
do need water changes and they are as sensitive
as any other fish
our goldfish get i would say
a 50% water change strait of
the cold water tap and nothing has happened to the
they lived in a tank were the water had
never been changed for several years
before we got them and the filter didn't
wasent working as well as soon as
Amanda took over two month later they
spawned and there getting on a bit
at least 6 years we know of

Thats because they are goldfish, they can live in an untreated and unmaintaded outdoor pond. They are not Tanganyikan cichlids

you fired the first shot at me i was only
saying a bout large water changes there is nothing
wrong with them that's all i said and yes gold fish
do need water changes and they are as sensitive
as any other fish

I didn't intend to fire a shot I am just personally experienced changing from goldfish to tropical that goldfish are not even close to as sensitive to change as their tropical counter parts.

When the 200 litre tank broke nearly ten years ago I put them in a grotty old pond in the back yard and never touched them again.

I visited that pond at my mothers few weeks ago there is still at least 6 goldfish in there, they must be breeding. regardless of being unfed and unmaintained the algae lined concrete pond is a sufficient home for them.

Tropical fish certainly wouldn't survive what the goldfish went through in their life.

At the end of the day I only have small to medium fish in a 130 litre tank,(2x 2 inch Discus Angel, 6x Fancy Guppy, 4x 2 inch Yellow Chichlid, 4x 1.5inch Golden Gourmis, 6x small algae eating catfish/loaches) they havent been creating much nitrate imbalance due to the low ratio volume to fish in the tank.

Having shifted from smaller tank to larger tank twice without loss I don't regret the extreme care with maintaining a familiar water condition for the fish using the old tanks water +10% new water.

What does remain is,
I previously had a outdoor rainwater tank previously and know that people can get very sick drinking from if it isnt treated correctly.
I certainly wouldnt use untreated water runoff from any object for anything other than cleaning (including drinking or pets/fish).
Just because you can find links to something does not mean that it is the only way of doing something, or even correct;

BTW, none of your links mention the way I do water changes, or dealing with a larger system. All those links are basic beginner information.

unless that water is pretreated, similar temperature and settled for a day that is pretty bad practise as it weakens the fish and can kill otherwise healthy fish.

Many many others find no reason to do this. It would probably be best if you were to do some research into why in your particular situation you can’t.

I only shop at proper aquariums I not getting advice from kitten store shops but aquarium stores where i ask how they care for their own fish. Which is what i try to follow 10% a week simple as that.

I don’t care how proper they are, they are a retail outlet and short term holding facility for fish. Start by asking them about line breeding to fix a strain, how certain traits are dominant or recessive depending on the allele they are associated with, and how this affects color expression and growth rate when crossing homozygous or heterozygous parents. They don’t deal with this; many members here do, and are way beyond these “proper” aquariums. We breed the fish you buy from these outfits, and know considerably more than these outfits.

Looking at your stocking as well as tank size I would suggest you try a daily 10% water change for a week, follow that up with some 25% daily water changes for several days, you should then be able to change water as often and as much as you like. I’ve kept all the species you list, though some are a bit difficult to decipher, and all have had large water changes, direct from the tap, with no problems. Depending on what those species actually are you may be in need of a larger tank. This should be an easy call from your proper aquariums, they should know the names if they are anything close to proper, the scientific name gives us a much better idea than Discus Angel and algae eating catfish/loachs.

I think it is a good idea to discuss the material and the validity behind it rather than the person conveying the message. I’ve already had to adjust this topic once, any more violations of forum rules and it will be closed.

Let’s keep this civil, help the OP, and find out why some members can’t do water changes like many others can. We are all here to learn, not to flame, that’s the next forum down the road.
Carloski TRUCE.

Just to let you know I don't even add conditioner unless I am doing a 50% or more water change and still have not lost a fish..

You may be "EXPERIENCED" but there are many, MANY more people on here that know what they are talking about and when I see that most of them do things a certain way I would rather do it their way instead of listening to a person that "only shops at PROPER stores" :lol:



Not a fan of them

Why don't you go and :book: up on water changes and see how wrong you are
Like TOLAK said maybe you should find out why you can't make descent water changes instead of telling people they cant

EDIT:: ALSO, im not trying to argue its just .. if breeders tell you you're wrong and you don't believe them then i guess you won't believe the sky is purple

TRUCE :good:

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