Regulr Feeding


Fish Crazy
Nov 18, 2003
Reaction score
Kingston, Ontario, Canada
I feed my fish twice a day right now, just flakes...I just wanted to get a sense of what other peoples feeding schedules are and what they are feeding their gilled buddies :thumbs:
All my fish are major hunger busters (expt. my ghost ray) So I feed One cube o' bloodworms in the morning, a few flakes in the afternoon and one cube o' bloodworms at night.
I have platys too and I feed them twice a day with flakes on most days. I give them bloodworms, tubifex, cucumbers, peas once or twice a week. And ofcourse they get their fair share of algae from my tank :D
I feed mine once or twice a day to ensure they eat everything they are given.
okie i feed Hikari's Freeze Dried Bloodworms to my rams in the morning with some flakes and repeat at night. by the way if you do regular water changes and do not have ur tank in direct sunlight or turn on ur light for too long, you shouldnt have algae. and yes, keeping fish is one of the best ways to make ur wallet empty lol :p
Depends on the fish. Fry and young fish I feed as often as I can in small quantities. Adult herbivours or omnivours I feed a couple times per day. Large adult predetors I feed every other day or so.
I feed different foods and at different intervals.

My piranhas I feed sometimes 2-3 times a week or sometimes I make them go 5-6 days without feeding. I have an African cichlid (M. chipokae) in with them so he goes without also.

Cichlids I feed once a day most of the time but a couple times a week I'll feed twice but they go without food one day a week. Same schedule for my redtail black shark and my feeder fish.

I have different foods I rotate from. Krill, shrimp, earthworms, live fish, brine shrimp, veggie flakes, cichlid flakes, spirulina flakes, spirulina tabs,3 different types of pellets, bloodworms, a few others I can't think of right now. I also feed mice to my piranhas on occasion.
my two bettas usually get fed twice a day and one day a week w/no feeding. They get bloodworms three days a week and two other pellet foods, Betta Bites and Bio Blend.
Working shift work don't I don't get the luxury of feeding twice daily so the puffers get fed once a day depending on when I'm around and my community tank usually gets fed daily/every other day.
Once a day for the small fish and once every other day for the larger fish, fry get fed 3 or 4 times a day and breeding pairs 2 or 3 times a day to induce a spawning. Vegies like cumumber, courgette or romaine lettuce are always in the tank for herbivors to graze on.

I try to vary the fishes diet as much as possible and feed bloodworms, brineshrimps, glassworms, daphnia, flakes and pellets for the small fish and mussels, cockles, lance fish, bloodworms, river shrimps and pellets for the large fish in rotation.
sorry wrong link. if you click on downloads at the top of the page and scroll down to a new method of feeding in the misc section

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