I have two rfs (one black, one albino) in a 55g. The bigger (black) did chase the little one around alot at first, but the littler one learned to hide and now the black one tolerates him. Just as long as the albino stays out of his territory (peice of driftwood in the middle of the tank - he shares with the ropefish) he doesn't mind the little guy. If the albino swims into his territory the black rfs will chase him off. But otherwise, the two get along just fine and the black rfs will often swim into the albino's territory and leave him completely alone. The albino shows no aggression towards the bigger one, but as there's considerable size difference, that may change later on. I've read in many different sources that these fish can be raised separately and placed together as adults. I imagine this must be how breeding is done.
Since you do have two and they are showing aggression, you may consider a tank divider until they are both fully grown. Go to a glass/hardware store and have them cut you a peice of glass that's the inside width and height of your tank, use a bit of aquarium silicon and just dot on the cracks to anchor it. This way the fish can see eachother but not harm one another. This may condition eachother to be more tolerant.
I did do this experiment on 2 male 3 spot gouramis (in a 10g tank!) and where before they would have murdered eachother on sight, they get along quite well, even passing food back and forth and peacefully eating out of eachother's mouths. In the least, the glass will help you out of the tight spot you're in until you can either get another tank or find someone to take one of the sharks.