Red Tailed Black Shark Minimum Tank Size?


New Member
Nov 8, 2009
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Is there a minimum tank size for a red tailed black shark? My aquarium is 8 Gallons (30 litres) I know they grow quite big so i just wanted to ask before i got one.
If no is there an alternative?

My aquarium:
ideally if you want it to thrive, no less than 4ft. they need a lot of room as they're very active. and you need a lot of space for territories otherwise the RTBS will become aggressive
Also your tank has only been cycling for 1 week. Please don't think about adding anymore fish yet.

However when you have fully cycled the tank, with the shape of yours there aren't many bottom feeders that are suitable.

Would you be at all interested in some shrimp? Or an African Dwarf Frog?
The only thing even slightly like a RTBS for your tank would be an otto, these are better in groups, but you only have room for 1 or 2.

And you would have to make sure to supplement their diet with things like aubergine and spinach etc.

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