
Fish Crazy
Jan 12, 2005
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Maryland, soon to be San Antonio TX
I have a red tail black shark in a 30 gallon aquarium with 2 blood parrot cichlids and they seem to all be doing just fine. But in a week i am getting a 55 gallon tank. I was wondering what fish besides the blood parrot cichlids I can put in with the red tail shark..or should i just throw in a couple more parrots and be done with it?

I keep my RTB with a pair of severums and never had a problem...whatever you do choose to add with him make sure it is fast moving and/or can match the aggressive nature that RTB's sometimes have.
OoHeatheroO said:
Do you think the Blood parrots would get along with a pair of sevrums?
I think they would, but adding in sevs on top of blood parrots in a 55 would be way too much. Blood parrots can get REALLY aggressive when they get older and would most likely bully the shyer severums. Territory wise, you'd need a larger tank for 2 BPs and 2 Sevs.

Maybe a school of larger tetras or barbs - tiger barbs would work if the BPs are big enough...
hi guys,,

I have a clown loach in with my red tailed and they even seem to be buddies....they even stay in the same boat together....dont know why but they get along really well together...

hi guys,,

I have a clown loach in with my red tailed and they even seem to be buddies....they even stay in the same boat together....dont know why but they get along really well together...

Clown Loaches are shoaling fish so you need a minimum of three, ideally six. They would work fine in a 55 gallon tank for a few years but will eventually need something on the order of a 60 gallon (or larger if you have more than 6) to themselves. I have 4 very small ones in my 30 with an RTBS and a 3 Spot Blue Gourami but this will change once my loaches grow to a certain point. RTBS and Clowns are actually one of the recommended work-well-together community setups.

I can't think of any other fish offhand that would work. Maybe some smaller, less aggressive chiclids like Lemon Cichlids or perhaps Bosemani Rainbows though I don't know how aggressive your Parrots are.
I keep my RTBS with a school of Clown Loaches, they get along good.

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