Red Sea Nano Cube


Fish Fanatic
Jan 25, 2005
Reaction score
Aberdeen, Scotland
Went into my LFS last night on the way home from work to get some lotions and potions for my Oscar tank and saw they had in a Red Sea Nano Cube, i believe these are fairley new out. Now I have been toying with the idea of putting nano in my living room (1st floor) of my new house as my Oscar tank has had to go on the ground floor due to the weight of it. Also reading the salty forums isn't helping :shifty:
Anyway asked how much the nano was thinking a good few hundred quid. £450-500 tops as it was a very nice looking setup with some well thought out clever features.

Sorry how much did you say Mr Shopkeeper
thats average over here, was talking to our lfs about it fairly recently, we priced it up at about £1000 for everything you'd need to make it work.

you can build up your own set up from components much cheaper :good:

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