Thought I'd mention, but today I saw 3-4 of the small shrimp already saddled. Wow, if I knew that at this size they can actually be sexually mature I wouln't have had any doubts about the rili shrimp being males in the beginning of this thread.
Anyway, I think there are some rilis from the cross too, one is a saddled female I also saw today but need to wait for a bit longer to see how good looking rilis they'll turn out to be.
There are some fairly dark red small shrimp, some normal reds, some more pinkish,even saw one that looks clear at the moment, and the rili looking ones too of course, so it's getting interesting
Edit: By the way, the sick shrimp is still doing fine from what I can see. Feel sorry for the lonely thing. The rest of the adult shrimp in the other tank are fine. The only female adult cherry has not gotten berried since the first and last time, not sure what's her problem but she's eating like a pig otherwise and all are fairly active, not one bit afraid of the corys which is very funny as they keep landing on top of them or eat alongside each other.