Red Rili Shrimp Sex Identification

Also have you seen what they are calling spiderman cherry shrimp?
They are really nice. I just googled one :)
I am very behind  with the research..
There are so many colours now becoming available in cherry shrimp the mind is boogling
 , and its making it so hard to decide what colour or pattern that I most want to keep. Hopefully in a couple of months I will start having some unusually coloured shrimp, since I got some chocolate offspring from a choc x red breeding and added them to my previous choc x dark red that I had bred. The main female in this group is a nice dark caramel colour and she has finally berried so I will be excited to see how her offspring turn out. In her genetic make up alone there is yellow, blue, black and red.

I am also waiting with baited breath for some rili shrimplets to appear now that the males are old enough to breed with the females.
I still have rilis popping out here and there and fairly good looking ones too, so it's not all lost.
I so much want to add some shrimp to my latest tank. I've got the intakes covered with sponges and all, but I am afraid the platies will stress them too much so I am waiting on the plants to grow well. The LFS would take all my platies off my hands, but I started liking them too much.
I was laughing yesterday, as my partner sat on the sofa in front of the tank, and I saw the entire crowd of platies just turn in that direction and sit there observing the human. Look at the red faces turned towards the front glass. The picture is taken from the side.

Fish are funny and pay a lot more attention to what is happening outside of their watery world then we generally give them credit for. It would have been funny to see them all turn to watch him as one though.

My dopey guppies and endlers all think that when my cat does his morning rounds and drink taste tests of the water quality, that he is feeding him. So they all race to the surface and crowd around his paw that is usually dangling in the water and his tongue as he laps. I am not sure who is actually being dumber the fish thinking he will feed them or him for having paws dangling in the tank and often his tail floating in the surface of the water.
Ha, ha. Someone surely thinks "food". I had a cat that used to love water and regularly came out of the bathroom drowned/wet from the waiste up because he'd fall by accident while pawing at the water in a bucket, standing on his two legs to reach it.  I had one fish tank at the time and we kept buckets of water as there was no such a thing as dechlorinator those days.
The platies did turn altogether at once, but by the time I got the camera most of them got distracted. It was pretty funny watching them though as they all stopped doing what they were doing to see who sat on that chair.
You may remember I mentioned once seeing a shrimp in the betta tank. That was ages ago and I never saw it again, thinking it's become food.
But today I saw it again, already a big girl happily munching on the sponge filter. She's got no saddle though I presume because she's lonely.
My betta isn't so vicious after all :), however, at the same time he was just chasing a cory away. I've got 4 in there temporary to fatten them up as they were the runts of the litter, but it seems I am fattening the betta more than likely
 He did like one particular cory I kept with him at some stage and would often cuddle up together with it but not these ones
Fighters are sneaky little critters. I had some cherry shrimp in with my group of fighters and quickly  removed the shrimp after I saw one of the girls hunting the shrimp down. Months later I saw more shrimp still happily roaming about the tank, they must have been bubs that grew up in there and knew to stay in the thick the moss. There is 6 otocinclus in the tank that the fighters have never even shown the slightest interest at.
Fighters will it seems get a preference for certain other aquatic friends, but if you try to give them a similar one they will decide they don't really like the new tank mate.
I don't know what is going on with my rili shrimp. I know I have one female I see her sometimes swimming about with a saddle and I know I have two males because I have seen them both at the same time. But I can see no evidence of them actually breeding or more shrimp appearing in the tank. The tank does have a jungle of moss so maybe they are breeding up in there, but I also have the sinking suspicion that the endlers in the tank are eating the smaller shrimps they come across.
Good news on the Barney Springs shrimp I got from up north. I was a bit worried that they had slowly died off since I almost never see them in the 4ft cory tank jungle ( I swear I could have an aquatic tiger in that tank and not know about it), and so I thought I would do some rearranging of some of the plants. As soon as I moved the massive java fern I had shrimp shooting out all over the place. I then took the timber and java fern over to another bucket of water while I thinned and reattached the fern. Just as well because when I had finished at least another 20 shrimp had hitch hiked over and where feeling lost in the tub of water. So it appears that my water seems to suit these native shrimp, now I just have to see if they can survive our summer.
The best of luck with them and let us know how you get on :)
Will do, in the mean time here is one of my Blackmore River Shrimp

A couple of my still young Darwin Red Nosed Shrimp

And one of my native chameleon shrimp that decided to make a half heart appearance
They are very nice.
The Darwin Red Nosed Shrimp are very cute looking.
One of my tanks is now empty and I have decided on a small group of kuhli loaches and I'll move some of my shrimp in there too as I am totally overstocked in the shrimp tank. I am not looking forward to catch them though. I haven't attempted catching the left over corys yet because I'll just make a horrible mess.
Here is my old/new tank now. It's no finished yet, just thrown bits and pieces I already had. I planted the trickle filter with house plants too. And I am doing a fishless cycle as I removed all media from it, but there's still an internal filter that's cycled so it won't take long.

And I added a planted pot yesterday. It's got soil in it, so hopefully the pennywort will grow.

And I can't seem to be able to grow moss. It grows for a good while, then it starts dying and I don't know why it won't grow. I've the same problem with java fern. It just doesn't like it in my tanks. Anubias grows well though.
I don't know if I saw the same blue shrimp today or a second one, but the one from today is a female and has got a saddle which is also light blue-ish or possibly white but looks blue. Do you think I've got two as the first one looked to me like a male, but then it was small enough and I hadn't seen it till today? I am really not certain they are the same one shrimp though.
If not, I am thinking to move her in the above tank with one of her grandfathers, the rili male?
Actually, I just got a short video clip of her I am uploading.

Ok, so here she is:

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