Red Ramshorn Snails In Uncycled Tank


Fish Fanatic
Jul 21, 2009
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Hi, recently my tank leaked about 50% of its water, I resealed but but dont trust it to be quite honest so I got a new 30L tank, there are just guppies in there at the moment but plan to put a different species in there when it has fully cycled again(I lost a lot of the bacteria in the filter due to the water it was left in going a bit manky)but what I want to know is how well will some red ramshorn snails fair in a tank in this situation, the water is about pH 8 and very hard around my area, the temp is approx 27C and for the time being I am checking the water daily for the ammonia, nitrite and nitrate levels so that none of them get to high but I dont want to get them now if this will be to much for them,

thank you,

I've kept ramshorns in unfiltered tubs. They dont produce a lot of ammonia so i wouldnt count on them to cycle the tank, but they arent going to harm themselves too much either. I found it was the food that caused the ammonia more than the snails. Just feed them vegetables every 2 days and make sure you dont leave it in for more than a day. They'll be fine.
Hi, yeah I didnt think that they would produce a lot of ammonia, I was just worried if they would be ok in water with varying parameters,



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