Red Cherry Shrimp For Sale - Reduced To 70P Each

Frazzle Dazzle - It seems that you can not accept PM's so I have written on your wall.
Bboy19822002 - yes I still have some left. It will not let me PM you so I have written on your wall instead.
Bboy19822002 - Payment received. I will post them tomorrow for you.
Shrimp arrived safely :) were a bit pale from the journey but have put them in my community tank with my wcmm and they've coloured up again nicely and are busy scavenging :)
Hi, would it be possible to pick some up off you if they are still available as i am in the manchester area? I'm after about 15,
Yes mate you can have 15 for £10 if you are collecting. I am free either tomorrow evening or any time next week after Monday.
Could you email me your address, as i cannot private message you for some reason, i think its because I'm a new user

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