Red Cherry Shrimp For Sale - Reduced To 70P Each

How much for 10 deliverd? Would they survive in a community tank ? Only 95litre so nothin huge in there
i will do 10 for £15 inclusive of special delivery. the shrimp will be between 1 and 1.5 cm at the moment so as long as your fish can not fit them in their mouths then they will be good.
Ok I'll take 10 :) biggest you can if possible as one of my cats has a big mouth . I'll send you money via paypal on sunday night/monday morning as I'm away fishing atm
No bo+her. i will pm you my paypal email. i can not post them until tuesday though.
Hi could I have 10 for £15 please? If you're still able to post on Tuesday that's perfect for me, I'm off on Wednesday :)
What's your paypal fishprotector? I'll get the 15 sent off tomorrow
alex, i did message you yesterday but have just sent it again now.
I have an angel, a plec, some corys, two talking catfish, a betta (very docile) and some tetras and a red tail black shark in a huge planted tank with lots of bogwood and caves. Would these guys fit in to that setup? I want some buy not if they'll be bullied or eaten
Thanks in advance for your help
To be honest with you, I would have thought that the Angel and the Shark might eat them ...
Thanks for the honesty. Shame because they look really cool. I'll keep them in mind if I get my small 60ltr out of retirement and up and running again. I take it a couple would be ok in something that size?

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