Recomend Me Corals To Complete My Tank Please?


stuck between a rock and a fish tank
Fish of the Month 🌟
May 4, 2004
Reaction score
Please take a look at my tank and recomend some more corals that I can fit in. My knowledge of what there is out there isn;t great. I;d like more colour or anemone like corals

cheers simon[/img]
If you like anemone like, then euphyllias it is :D
Looks like you already have a torch, maybe add a hammer head or frogspawn?

I have a blue pipe organ which is one of my favorite corals ever. Also love duncans. Do you have no mushrooms?? That might be considered a sin :crazy: Lots of neat shrooms out there. Hairy ones and ricordia are very stunning.
:good: just looked up Hammers they look ace

I have a Riccordea behind the finger coral, it has 4 heads althouh two are small and 2 are huuge. Its one of my favourites!! I;m going to get a couple more mushies I think, andsell the small toadstool to make some space for them

Duncans are ace but I have never seen one in my LFS

I shall keep reading on here and get inspiration. I started messing with the tank again and trying to move corals, why I can;t just leave it alone I don;t know!! :good:
why I can;t just leave it alone I don;t know!! :good:

I think this is called the Salties curse :lol: I agree with nemo about the Euphyllias - go take a look at the coral of the week thread for some amazing photos and good tips

Seffie x
its the salty curse alright Seffie

slight rejig of corals tomorrow I think and see what space I can make for some mushies, fungia and maybe a duncan. Might even try and sneak some zoas in I can;t see mine now as the riccordea has overgrown then
Why is your Sun coral ostracised to the wide right of the bommie.
Any particular reason.
I myself would place a Catalaphyllia jardinei in the cavernous gap there seems to be plenty of space around to cope with its tentacles for now. Plenty of light and a good flow over it would make a good spectacle and focal point. Much like an anemone but less hassle.

You can't beat zoas and palys for color, and like everyone said, look into some nice euphyllias...and look for some colors, I've seen some really nice pink octo-frogspawns.
You can't beat zoas and palys for color, and like everyone said, look into some nice euphyllias...and look for some colors, I've seen some really nice pink octo-frogspawns.

I;ve got some new zoas this week so hopefully they will spread soon
Why is your Sun coral ostracised to the wide right of the bommie.
Any particular reason.
I myself would place a Catalaphyllia jardinei in the cavernous gap there seems to be plenty of space around to cope with its tentacles for now. Plenty of light and a good flow over it would make a good spectacle and focal point. Much like an anemone but less hassle.


cheers Big C
The Elegance coral is the one I most want as well, theres one in my LFS but I;ve spent too much this month
Cavernous gap!! likeit

there is no reason for the sun coral being out there he just is, the tanks changed a bit sincethat pic was taken

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